9. Understanding .NET Data Provider Connectivity : .NET Data Provider Classes : Sample Program Constructed with .NET Data Provider
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Sample Program Constructed with .NET Data Provider
To construct an application using the .NET Data Provider, the developer creates a series of objects from the data provider's classes. The following is a simple C# program employing four data provider classes.
.NET 2.0 Programming Model
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.IO;
using Ingres.Client;
class App
static public void Main()
ConnectionStringSettingsCollection connectionSettings =
if (connectionSettings.Count == 0)
        throw new InvalidOperationException(
         "No connection information specified in application configuration file.");
ConnectionStringSettings connectionSetting = connectionSettings[0];
string invariantName      = connectionSetting.ProviderName;
string myConnectionString = connectionSetting.ConnectionString;
DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(invariantName);
DbConnection conn =
conn.ConnectionString = myConnectionString;
conn.Open();   // open the Ingres connection
string cmdtext =
        "select table_owner, table_name, " +
        " create_date from iitables " +
        " where table_type in ('T','V') and " +
        " table_name not like 'ii%' and" +
        " table_name not like 'II%'";
DbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = cmdtext;
//          read the data using the DataReader method
DbDataReader   datareader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
//          write header labels
Console.WriteLine(datareader.GetName(0).PadRight(18) +
datareader.GetName(1).PadRight(34) +
int i = 0;
while (i++ < 10 && datareader.Read())
// read and write out a few data rows
{     // write out the three columns to the console
        datareader.GetString(0).Substring(0,16).PadRight(18) +
        datareader.GetString(1).PadRight(34) +
DataSet  ds  = new DataSet("my_list_of_tables");
//          read the data using the DataAdapter method
DbDataAdapter adapter = factory.CreateDataAdapter();
DbCommand adapterCmd = conn.CreateCommand();
adapterCmd.CommandText = cmdtext;
adapter.SelectCommand = adapterCmd;
adapter.Fill(ds);  // fill the dataset
//          write the dataset to an XML file
conn.Close();   // close the connection
}  // end Main()
}  // end class App
.NET 1.1 Programming Model
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Data;
using Ingres.Client;
class App
static public void Main()
string myConnectionString =
"Host=myserver.mycompany.com;" +
"User Id=myname;PWD=mypass;" +
IngresConnection conn = new IngresConnection(
myConnectionString );
conn.Open(); // open the Ingres connection
string cmdtext = "select table_owner, table_name, " +
"create_date from iitables " +
" where table_type in ('T','V') and " +
" table_name not like 'ii%' and" +
" table_name not like 'II%'";
IngresCommand cmd = new IngresCommand(cmdtext, conn);
//          read the data using the DataReader method
IngresDataReader datareader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
//          write header labels
Console.WriteLine(datareader.GetName(0).PadRight(18) +
datareader.GetName(1).PadRight(34) +
int i = 0;
while (i++ < 10 && datareader.Read())
// read and write out a few data rows
{     // write out the three columns to the console
        datareader.GetString(0).Substring(0,16).PadRight(18) +
        datareader.GetString(1).PadRight(34) +
DataSet  ds  = new DataSet("my_list_of_tables");
//          read the data using the DataAdapter method
IngresDataAdapter adapter = new IngresDataAdapter();
adapter.SelectCommand = new IngresCommand(cmdtext, conn);
adapter.Fill(ds);  // fill the dataset
//          write the dataset to an XML file
conn.Close();   // close the connection
}  // end Main()
}  // end class App