SQL Data Type Incompatibilities
The following incompatibilities between Vector and traditional Ingres are known:
• Vector does not check for overflow on operations on floating point types. (Operations on integer types and decimal types are checked for overflow.)
• TIMESTAMP and INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND can only store 6 decimal places (fractions of seconds), compared to 9 in traditional Ingres.
• Vector supports only the YYYY-MM-DD date format and the YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.[fffff] timestamp format in SQL. (The vwload utility, however, supports all date formats supported by traditional Ingres.) Use DATE_FORMAT() or TO_CHAR() to change the display of date and time values; use STR_TO_DATE() or TO_DATE() or TO_TIMESTAMP() to convert strings into date and time values.
• Conversion from floating point types to character types can yield slightly different results than in traditional Ingres.
• The MONEY currency symbol is fixed to '$'.
• The ASCII null character ('\0\') is not supported in char and varchar data types.