6. Accessing VectorH : Start or Shut Down the Vector Instance : Start Vector as a Service (Linux)
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Start Vector as a Service (Linux)
During installation, a script is generated that automatically starts Vector as a service unless you used the Install VectorH Using the Ingbuild Distribution (Express Installation).
Note:  To generate and install the script, use the mkrc command.
The generated script to start Vector for Linux as a service is installed under /etc/init.d. The service is named actian-vectorXX, where XX is the instance ID, the value for II_INSTALLATION, specified during installation (default is VW for Vector and VH for VectorH).
To start the Vector instance as a service
Run the following as root:
/sbin/service actian-vectorXX start
where XX is the instance ID.
To stop and restart the service
Use the following commands:
/sbin/service actian-vectorXX stop
/sbin/service actian-vectorXX restart
where XX is the instance ID.