Getting Started > Getting Started > Installing VectorH > Install VectorH as Non-root
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Install VectorH as Non-root
Note:  Valid only when using the ingbuild distribution.
To install VectorH without privileged access, or if your Linux system does not have the RPM package manager, you must download the ingbuild distribution, and then install VectorH using the ‑noroot command.
Using the ‑noroot flag installs VectorH as the current user. The instance will be owned by the current user. You must manually create and make writable (by the current user) all installation locations, both local and HDFS, prior to running the installation process.
When using the -noroot flag, you must do the following before installing VectorH:
Create the II_SYSTEM path on all the nodes, owned by the user you want to install as.
Ensure that the HDFS path exists.
Example of Installing with -noroot
These example commands show how to install VectorH using -noroot, using the following settings:
User is actian
II_SYSTEM is /data/dev/installs/VH
Instance ID is VH
On all nodes:
mkdir /data/dev/installs/VH
chown actian /data/dev/installs/VH
On master node:
hdfs dfs -mkdir /Actian/VectorVH
sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chown actian /Actian/VectorVH
Specify the absolute path of the response file on the install command:
$ sh /data/dev/installs/VH VH -noroot -express
The installer responds with:
Actian VectorH 6.0.0 Express Install
Actian VectorH 6.0.0
will be installed with the following configuration:
II_SYSTEM: /data/dev/installs/VH
Beginning installation...
Last modified date: 01/26/2023