User Guide > User Guide > A. Command Reference > iinamu Command--Administer the Name Server
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iinamu Command--Administer the Name Server
Permission required: Privileged user.
The Name Server Maintenance Utility (iinamu) allows a system administrator or other privileged user to display server information and administer the Name Server.
The iinamu command has the following format:
At the IINAMU prompt, enter one of the following commands:
show [svr_type]
Shows the list of registered servers. The svr_type can be:
Shows all servers registered with the Name Server.
(Default) Shows DBMS Server process
Shows GCC Communications Server process
Shows Name Server process
Shows Data Access Server process
Shows Star Server process
Shows Remote Command Server process
Shows Protocol Bridge Server process
Shows Recovery Server process
Shows Enterprise Access Server (gateway) process. Gateway can be: MSSQL, ORACLE, DB2UDB, INFORMIX, SYBASE, RDB, or RMS.
user-defined DBMS
Shows user-defined DBMS server process, as defined in the server_class parameter for the DBMS Server in Configuration-By-Forms or Configuration Manager, for example BATCH, ONLINE, ACCOUNTS.
add svr_type obj_name gcf_address [flag]
Adds a server to the list of registered servers. Only a privileged user can run this command. Adding entries is not recommended and should be unnecessary as the information is automatically obtained from the servers during registration (at startup) and is based on the configured server_classes.
Specifies the names of the objects that each server can service. Valid values are:
* (asterisk)—Is the default for DBMS Servers, which indicates that all databases can be accessed. All other servers do not register specific objects.
Database list—Is a single database or a comma separated list of databases that the Ingres DBMS Server can connect to.
flag can be one or more of the following values:
sole—Adds a sole server.
merge—Does not delete existing entries for the server at gcf_address when the new entry is added. Use this flag to add a new object to be serviced by an existing server.
delete svr_type obj_name gcf_address
Deletes a server from the list of registered servers. Only a privileged user can run this command. The svr_type and obj_name must associate with the information for the gcf_address.
Stops the Name Server. This command is the correct way to stop the Name Server process. If the Name Server is stopped while servers are running, users cannot connect to those servers. Connected users will not be affected until they need to connect to a server. Only a privileged user can run this command.
Displays command information.
Closes iinamu.
Note:  The exit command is a synonym for quit.
Note:  At times, you may want to start DBMS servers that are not publicly registered with the Name Server. You can do this by setting the configuration parameter name_service to off. If this option is used, the server is not registered with the Name Server when it starts and is therefore invisible to iinamu. The GCF address can still be found and the server manually registered with the Name Server. If the server is a DBMS Server, connection can still be made by defining II_DBMS_SERVER to the server address.
iinamu Example: Show All Registered Servers
Show all servers registered with the Name Server:
IINAMU> show servers
Here is sample output:
IINMSVR     *     32770
IUSVR      *     32775
INGRES     *     32777
COMSVR     *     32779
COMSVR     *     32781
BRIDGE     *     32793
JDBC       *     32795
STAR       *     32799
RMCMD      *     32802
JOHN       *     32810
DASVR      *     32817
The first column is the server type.
The second column is a list of databases registered to be served by the server. The entry * means that the server is registered to service requests for any database.
The third column is the server identifier, which is the GCF address for access to this server. This identifier can be used with the iimonitor command (in the case of DBMS, Recovery, and GCF servers).
iinamu Example: Show All DBMS Servers for the Server Class Ingres
Show all DBMS Servers:
IINAMU> show ingres
Here is sample output:
INGRES * 3105
INGRES * 4204
The example shows two DBMS servers running at GCF addresses 3105 and 4204.
iinamu Example: Show Communications Server Registrations
Show the Communications Server registrations:
IINAMU> show comsvr
The following sample output shows that two Communications Servers are running:
COMSVR * 3197
COMSVR * 3321
iinamu Example: Add a DBMS Server to the Name Server Registry
1. Add to the Name Server registry a DBMS Server with GCF address 1093 that can connect to any database:
IINAMU> add ingres * 1093
2. Add a DBMS Server with GCF address 2180 that can connect only to the salesdb database:
IINAMU> add ingres salesdb 2180
3. Add the accounts database to the existing DBMS Server with GCF address 2180:
IINAMU> add ingres accounts 2180 merge
iinamu Example: Delete a DBMS Server from the Name Server Registry
Delete a DBMS Server with GCF address 1093 from the GCN registry so it is no longer visible from the Name Server:
IINAMU> delete ingres * 1093
iinamu Example: Stop the Name Server
Stop the Name Server:
IINAMU> stop
Last modified date: 01/26/2023