Btrieve 2
No Matches

This is an example of record append and retrieve chunk based on btest.cpp .

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "btrieveCpp.h"
static char *btrieveFileName = (char *)"squaresAndSquareRoots.btr";
#define MIN_X 0
#define MAX_X 255
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct {
uint8_t x;
uint16_t xSquared;
double xSquareRoot;
} chunk_t;
#pragma pack()
createFile(BtrieveClient *btrieveClient)
BtrieveFileAttributes btrieveFileAttributes;
// If SetFixedRecordLength() fails.
if ((status = btrieveFileAttributes.SetFixedRecordLength(sizeof(chunk_t))) != Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERROR)
printf("Error: BtrieveFileAttributes::SetFixedRecordLength():%d:%s.\n", status, Btrieve::StatusCodeToString(status));
goto leave;
// If SetVariableLengthRecordsMode() fails.
printf("Error: BtrieveFileAttributes::SetVariableLengthRecordsMode():%d:%s.\n", status, Btrieve::StatusCodeToString(status));
goto leave;
// If FileCreate() fails.
if ((status = btrieveClient->FileCreate(&btrieveFileAttributes, btrieveFileName, Btrieve::CREATE_MODE_OVERWRITE)) != Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERROR)
printf("Error: BtrieveClient::FileCreate():%d:%s.\n", status, Btrieve::StatusCodeToString(status));
goto leave;
return status;
openFile(BtrieveClient *btrieveClient, BtrieveFile *btrieveFile)
// If FileOpen() fails.
if ((status = btrieveClient->FileOpen(btrieveFile, btrieveFileName, NULL, Btrieve::OPEN_MODE_NORMAL)) != Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERROR)
printf("Error: BtrieveClient::FileOpen():%d:%s.\n", status, Btrieve::StatusCodeToString(status));
goto leave;
return status;
loadFile(BtrieveFile *btrieveFile)
chunk_t chunk;
int i;
chunk.x = (uint8_t)MIN_X;
chunk.xSquared = (uint16_t)(MIN_X * MIN_X);
chunk.xSquareRoot = sqrt((double)MIN_X);
// If RecordCreate() fails.
if ((status = btrieveFile->RecordCreate((char *)&chunk, sizeof(chunk))) != Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERROR)
printf("Error: BtrieveFile::RecordCreate():%d:%s.\n", status, Btrieve::StatusCodeToString(status));
goto leave;
for (i = MIN_X + 1; i <= MAX_X; i++)
chunk.x = (uint8_t)i;
chunk.xSquared = (uint16_t)(i * i);
chunk.xSquareRoot = sqrt((double)i);
// If RecordAppendChunk() fails.
if ((status = btrieveFile->RecordAppendChunk((char *)&chunk, sizeof(chunk))) != Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERROR)
printf("Error: BtrieveFile::RecordAppendChunk():%d:%s.\n", status, Btrieve::StatusCodeToString(status));
goto leave;
return status;
closeFile(BtrieveClient *btrieveClient, BtrieveFile *btrieveFile)
// If FileClose() fails.
if ((status = btrieveClient->FileClose(btrieveFile)) != Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERROR)
printf("Error: BtrieveClient::FileClose():%d:%s.\n", status, Btrieve::StatusCodeToString(status));
goto leave;
return status;
deleteFile(BtrieveClient *btrieveClient)
// If FileDelete() fails.
if ((status = btrieveClient->FileDelete(btrieveFileName)) != Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERROR)
printf("Error: BtrieveClient::FileDelete():%d:%s.\n", status, Btrieve::StatusCodeToString(status));
goto leave;
return status;
retrieveRecord(BtrieveFile *btrieveFile, uint8_t *key)
chunk_t chunk;
int i;
// If RecordRetrieveFirst() fails.
if (btrieveFile->RecordRetrieveFirst(Btrieve::INDEX_NONE, (char *)&chunk, sizeof(chunk)) != sizeof(chunk))
status = btrieveFile->GetLastStatusCode();
printf("Error: BtrieveFile::RecordRetrieveFirst():%d:%s.\n", status, Btrieve::StatusCodeToString(status));
goto leave;
for (i = MIN_X; i <= MAX_X; i++)
chunk.x = 0;
chunk.xSquared = 0;
chunk.xSquareRoot = 0;
// If this is the first chunk.
if (i == MIN_X)
// If RecordRetrieveChunk() fails.
if (btrieveFile->RecordRetrieveChunk(0, sizeof(chunk), (char *)&chunk, sizeof(chunk)) != sizeof(chunk))
status = btrieveFile->GetLastStatusCode();
printf("Error: BtrieveFile::RecordRetrieveChunk():%d:%s.\n", status, Btrieve::StatusCodeToString(status));
goto leave;
// If RecordRetrieveChunk() fails.
if (btrieveFile->RecordRetrieveChunk(sizeof(chunk), (char *)&chunk, sizeof(chunk)) != sizeof(chunk))
status = btrieveFile->GetLastStatusCode();
printf("Error: BtrieveFile::RecordRetrieveChunk():%d:%s.\n", status, Btrieve::StatusCodeToString(status));
goto leave;
// If key has been found.
if (chunk.x == *key)
printf("chunk: (%u, %u, %f)\n", chunk.x, chunk.xSquared, chunk.xSquareRoot);
return status;
main(int argc, char *argv[])
static const char *usage = "Usage: %s uint8_value\n";
BtrieveClient btrieveClient;
BtrieveFile btrieveFile;
uint8_t key;
uint64_t integerValue;
// If the incorrect number of arguments were given.
if (argc != 2)
printf(usage, argv[0]);
goto leave;
integerValue = atoi(argv[1]);
// If integerValue is out of range.
if ((integerValue < MIN_X) || (integerValue > MAX_X))
printf(usage, argv[0]);
goto leave;
key = (uint8_t)integerValue;
// If createFile() fails.
if ((status = createFile(&btrieveClient)) != Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERROR)
goto leave;
// If openFile() fails.
if ((status = openFile(&btrieveClient, &btrieveFile)) != Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERROR)
goto leave;
// If loadFile() fails.
if ((status = loadFile(&btrieveFile)) != Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERROR)
goto leave;
// If retrieveRecord() fails.
if ((status = retrieveRecord(&btrieveFile, &key)) != Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERROR)
goto leave;
// If closeFile() fails.
if ((status = closeFile(&btrieveClient, &btrieveFile)) != Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERROR)
goto leave;
// If deleteFile() fails.
if ((status = deleteFile(&btrieveClient)) != Btrieve::STATUS_CODE_NO_ERROR)
goto leave;
// If there wasn't a failure.
return 0;
return 1;
The Btrieve client class.
Definition btrieveCpp.h:1388
Btrieve::StatusCode FileCreate(BtrieveFileAttributes *btrieveFileAttributes, const char *fileName, Btrieve::CreateMode createMode, Btrieve::LocationMode locationMode=Btrieve::LOCATION_MODE_NO_PREFERENCE)
Create a file.
Btrieve::StatusCode FileClose(BtrieveFile *btrieveFile)
Close a file.
Btrieve::StatusCode FileDelete(const char *fileName)
Delete a file.
Btrieve::StatusCode FileOpen(BtrieveFile *btrieveFile, const char *fileName, const char *ownerName, Btrieve::OpenMode openMode, Btrieve::LocationMode locationMode=Btrieve::LOCATION_MODE_NO_PREFERENCE)
Open a file.
The Btrieve file attributes class.
Definition btrieveCpp.h:2448
Btrieve::StatusCode SetVariableLengthRecordsMode(Btrieve::VariableLengthRecordsMode variableLengthRecordsMode)
Set the variable length records mode.
Btrieve::StatusCode SetFixedRecordLength(int fixedRecordLength)
Set the fixed record length.
The Btrieve file class.
Definition btrieveCpp.h:1729
Btrieve::StatusCode RecordCreate(char *record, int recordLength)
Create a record.
int RecordRetrieveFirst(Btrieve::Index index, char *record, int recordSize, Btrieve::LockMode lockMode=Btrieve::LOCK_MODE_NONE)
Retrieve the first record.
Btrieve::StatusCode GetLastStatusCode()
Get the last status code.
Btrieve::StatusCode RecordAppendChunk(const char *chunk, int chunkLength)
Append a record chunk.
int RecordRetrieveChunk(int offset, int length, char *chunk, int chunkSize, Btrieve::LockMode lockMode=Btrieve::LOCK_MODE_NONE)
Retrieve a record chunk.
Definition btrieveCpp.h:1243
static const char * StatusCodeToString(StatusCode statusCode)
Return a status code as a string.
Definition btrieveCpp.h:72
The Btrieve status codes.
Definition btrieveCpp.h:713
-7 - Unknown.
Definition btrieveCpp.h:1194
0 - No error.
Definition btrieveCpp.h:715
Definition btrieveCpp.h:606
Definition btrieveCpp.h:553