Btrieve 2
No Matches
Using Btrieve with C#

Using Btrieve with C# on Windows x64

Documented below is one approach to configuring the Btrieve 2 SDK for the C# programming language. In this example, we will use Visual Studio 2015 to target a native Windows x64 environment. It is assumed that Zen is already installed and running.

  • Install SWIG if not already installed.
  • Install the Btrieve 2 Windows SDK for Zen.
  • Generate, build, and install Btrieve C#.
    • Open the Visual Studio x64 Native Tools Command Prompt.
    • Change directory into the Btrieve 2 SDK directory.
    • Generate Btrieve C#.
      • c:\swigwin-3.0.12\swig.exe -cppext cpp -outcurrentdir -csharp -namespace Actian.Data.Zen -outfile btrieveCSharp.cs -c++ -Iinclude -o btrieveCSharp.cpp swig\btrieveCSharp.swig
        • Note that the path to SWIG used above may differ.
    • Build Btrieve C#.
      • cl -EHsc -c -Iinclude btrieveCSharp.cpp
      • link -dll win64\x86_64\btrieveCpp.lib btrieveCSharp.obj
    • Install Btrieve C#.
      • copy btrieveCSharp.cs "c:\Program Files\Actian\Zen\bin"
      • copy btrieveCSharp.dll "c:\Program Files\Actian\Zen\bin"
        • You may need elevated permissions to perform this copy.
    • Build and execute the Btrieve C# sample program.
      • csc samples\btest.cs "c:\Program Files\Actian\Zen\bin\btrieveCSharp.cs"
      • .\btest.exe 9
        • You should see the output "record: (9, 81, 3)".
        • You may need to change the permissions of the current directory if you receive the error "Error: BtrieveClient.FileCreate(): STATUS_CODE_PERMISSION_ERROR:Permission error".

Using Btrieve with C# on Ubuntu 20 x64

Documented below is one approach to configuring the Btrieve 2 SDK for the C# programming language. In this example, we will use the Mono C# package to target an Ubuntu 20 x64 environment. It is assumed that Zen is already installed and running.

  • Install SWIG and Mono if not already installed.
    • Open a terminal window as a non-"root" user.
    • sudo apt install swig
    • sudo apt install mono-mcs
  • Install the Btrieve 2 Linux SDK for Zen.
  • Generate, build, and install Btrieve C#.
    • Open a terminal window as a non-"root" user.
    • Change directory into the Btrieve 2 SDK directory.
    • Generate Btrieve C#.
      • swig -cppext cpp -outcurrentdir -csharp -namespace Actian.Data.Zen -outfile btrieveCSharp.cs -c++ -Iinclude -o btrieveCSharp.cpp swig/btrieveCSharp.swig
    • Build Btrieve C#.
      • g++ -c -fPIC -Iinclude btrieveCSharp.cpp
      • g++ -shared btrieveCSharp.o -o -L/usr/local/actianzen/lib64 -lbtrieveCpp
    • Install Btrieve C#.
      • sudo cp btrieveCSharp.cs /usr/local/actianzen/lib64
      • sudo cp /usr/local/actianzen/lib64
    • Build and execute the Btrieve C# sample program.
      • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/local/actianzen/lib64
      • mcs samples/btest.cs /usr/local/actianzen/lib64/btrieveCSharp.cs -out:btest
      • ./btest 9
        • You should see the output "record: (9, 81, 3)".
        • You may need to change the permissions of the current directory if you receive the error "Error: BtrieveClient.FileCreate(): STATUS_CODE_PERMISSION_ERROR:Permission error".