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DDF Builder Tutorials
ddfbuilder_main:Using DDF Builder%DDF Builder is a tool for intermediate and advanced users that provides various editors and views for working on data dictionary files.
ddfbuilder_data_src_explorer:Data Sources Explorer%Data Sources Explorer displays a tree of objects, such as databases, data paths, Btrieve files, and SQL tables, for you to view and manage.
ddfbuilder_btrieve_file_editor:Btrieve File Editor%Btrieve File Editor creates the file and key specification for a new data file.
ddfbuilder_table_def_editor:Table Definition Editor%Table Definition Editor creates new or changes existing schemas for SQL metadata.
ddfbuilder_table_page:Table Page%The Table page in Table Definition Editor provides two metadata views – raw and grid. The raw view displays information in the Btrieve file, while the grid view displays it as a SQL table.
ddfbuilder_raw_data_view:Raw Data View%The raw data view shows both the hexadecimal and ASCII values of data records.
ddfbuilder_grid_data_view:Grid Data View%The grid data view shows the schema structure of a table as a grid of rows and columns. Each field is represented in a row on the grid. Each row consists of cells that show the attributes for each field. Most of the attributes are editable and can be saved as changes to the schema.
ddfbuilder_indexes_page:Indexes Page%The Indexes Page displays read-only information about an index, with the exception of the SQL index name, which you can change in this view.
ddfbuilder_preview_page:Preview Page%The Preview page shows file data in a readable layout of columns and rows.
ddfbuilder_statistics_page:Statistics Page%The Statistics page displays a read-only view of the file and key specifications for a data file.
ddfbuilder_sql_view_page:SQL View Page%The SQL View page displays the SQL statement needed to create the current table definition.
ddfbuilder_dbcheck:Check Table Consistency%DDF Builder can check the consistency of a table by using validation rules to compare a physical data file against its metadata.
ddfbuilder_copy_sql_def:Copy SQL Definition%The Copy SQL Definition wizard creates a new SQL table by using the schema of an existing SQL table as its source.
ddfbuilder_export_btrieve_schema:Export Btrieve Schema%The Export Btrieve Schema wizard creates an XML file that specifies the schema of a source data file. You can use this XML file to create a new Btrieve file based on the structure of an existing one.
ddfbuilder_import_btrieve_schema:Import Btrieve Schema%The Import Btrieve Schema wizard creates an empty data file based on the XML schema exported from another data file.
ddfbuilder_add_data_path:Add Data Path%Data paths represent a location on physical storage where the data files reside. At least one path must be set for each database.
ddfbuilder_btrieve_types:Btrieve Types%The Btrieve types view displays the Btrieve data types and sizes and the corresponding SQL data types to which they map.
ddfbuilder_definition_errors:Definition Errors%If an error occurs, the Definition Errors window opens.
ddfbuilder_original_definition:Original Definition%If a table definition change occurs, the Original Definition window retains the previous definition until the new one is saved.
ddfbuilder_tutorials:DDF Builder Tutorials%The DDF Builder tutorials guide you through examples of common tasks.