Attempts to connect to the target server that has the Zen database engine installed. If connection is established successfully, a connection handle is returned for subsequent references.
User name with which you will connect to serverName. See the Remarks section for information on omitting this parameter.
User password. See the Remarks section for information on omitting this parameter.
Address of a long integer that receives the connection handle if connection is successful.
Return Values
The operation was successful.
Call with NULL pointer.
Failed to connect to the named server.
The specified server was not found
The specified engine is not running.
The client requester is not loaded.
The internal server name table is full.
The operation could not connect because the limit on client connections has been reached. Check the configuration of the server.
The operation encountered a permissions error.
The operation encountered a memory error.
No remote connection could be established.
The remote connection to the server was lost.
You must know the name of the server to which you want to connect. You can have open connections to multiple servers.
An application running locally where the database engine is running can omit the user name and password and still be able call any of the DTI functions and view or modify all configuration settings.
However, if the DTI application is running locally through a Terminal Services session or running remotely, provide the user name and password of a user with administrative level privileges on the server machine. This ensures that the application has full access for the DTI functions. Without administrator level privileges, an application returns an access error for most of the DTI functions. Only a subset of the functions work. For example, many of the functions that can modify configuration settings when full access is permitted are restricted to read-only access.
Note You must call PvStart() to initialize DTI before attempting to connect to a server using this function.