Drops the index from dictionary and data files, given a name.
Header File: ddf.h (See also
Header Files)
Function First Available In Library: w3dbav75.dll (Windows), libpsqldti.so (Linux), libpsqldti.dylib (macOS) (See also
Link Libraries)
PRESULT PvDropIndexByName(
WORD dictHandle,
LPCSTR tableName,
LPCSTR indexName);
In | dictHandle | Handle of an open dictionary returned by PvOpenDatabase(). |
In | tableName | Name of the table with the index to be dropped. |
In | indexName | Name of the index to be dropped. |
Return Values
PCM_Success | The operation was successful. |
PCM_errFailed | The operation was not successful. |
PCM_errInvalidDictionaryHandle | The specified dictionary handle does not exist. |
PCM_errTableNotFound | The table specified in tableName was not found in the dictionary. |
You must first open a dictionary successfully using
The table specified by tableName must exist in the dictionary specified by dictHandle.
See Also