User Guide > User Guide > Validate NetSuite IP with Actian
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Validate NetSuite IP with Actian
Why Validate NetSuite IP with Actian?
When a user sees the following error in their NetSuite web service logs “SSS_CONNECTION_TIME_OUT Details: The host you are trying to connect to is not responding,” it means that NetSuite cannot communicate with the Actian Cloud. This is likely due to the IP address of the NetSuite cluster you are logged into not being known to the Actian Cloud.
For security reasons, the Actian Cloud does not allow requests from IP addresses that it does not know about. The NetSuite IP addresses can change any time without notification. This is due to NetSuite’s IP address policy, which states the NetSuite Cluster IP Addresses can change at any time without any notice.
When NetSuite switches the IP address for a cluster, the new IP Address assigned to the cluster (by NetSuite) must be added to Actian Cloud’s IP whitelist. Unfortunately, since NetSuite does not publish or notify its customers of the current IP addresses used for their clusters, the only way for Actian to know about a new IP address is to have the customers tell us.
Last modified date: 12/14/2021