7. ASOLib—OpenROAD Server Library : XML Parameters for Use with GSCPs : How You Can Retrieve XML from a GSCP : Selective Output
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Selective Output
By default all of the 4GL method's parameters appear in the generated XML document. Alternatively, you can specify exactly which parameters you want to appear in the output XML document by using the p_arr_UCXML_Include 4GL parameter. This is an array of a uc_xml_include class that has just one attribute v_parameter. Each v_parameter attribute should contain the name of the 4GL parameter that you want to include in the XML output.
For example, to receive only the b_UCAuthor data in the generated XML, the client code would look like this:
Set byrefPDO = CreateObject("OpenROAD.ParameterData")

byrefPDO.DeclareAttribute "b_so_xml", "STRING"
byrefPDO.DeclareAttribute "p_arr_UCXML_Include", "UCARRAY"
byrefPDO.DeclareAttribute "p_arr_UCXML_Include.v_parameter", "STRING"

byrefPDO.SetAttribute "p_arr_UCXML_Include[1].v_parameter", "b_UCAuthor"
After the call, the output XML looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE scp_getauthorandbooks [
        <!ELEMENT   scp_getauthorandbooks  (b_UCAuthor*)>
        <!ELEMENT   b_UCAuthor  (i_age, i_id, v_name)>
        <!ELEMENT   i_age  (#PCDATA)>
        <!ELEMENT   i_id  (#PCDATA)>
        <!ELEMENT   v_name  (#PCDATA)>