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Describe Data Profile
Note:  Before reading this topic, ensure that you have read Creating a Data Profile.
The Description page allows you to specify the basic descriptions for the new data profile. A meaningful description helps to identify the purpose of the data profile.
Provide the following descriptions for the data profile:
Name - Specify a name for your data profile.
Locale - Select a language (country) preference. Locale will help in validating and applying rules like Is Valid Phone Number, Is Valid Social ID, and Is Valid Zip Code. If English (United States) locale is selected then United States phone number, social ID, zip code format will be used for validating. Default is English (United States). The available values are:
English (Canada)
English (Germany)
English (India)
English (United Kingdom)
English (United States)
Tags - (Optional) Add tags which can assist in search. For example, when performing a search from the Data Profiles page.
Description - (Optional) Add a description text for the data profile.
Last modified date: 12/12/2024