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Azure SQL
Microsoft Azure SQL adapter provides support for performing read, write and discovery operations on Microsoft Azure SQL database. Microsoft Azure SQL is a general-purpose relational database, running as a managed service on the Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform.
You must have an Azure account and credentials.
Connection Details
Specify the following details to define a connection:
Server Name
Specifies the server’s name to connect. This is a mandatory property.
Specifies the port to connect on the Server Name. The default value is 1433. This is a mandatory property.
Specifies the name of the database. This is a mandatory property.
(Optional) Specifies the username for the connection or database login.
(Optional) Specifies the password for the connection or database login.
Source Details
Specify the following source details:
Specifies the data source object type. It has two possible values: Table (default) and Query.
(Optional) Specifies the schema name.
Specifies the table or view name. This is a mandatory property.
Specifies the SQL statement to select data from the source. This is a mandatory property. This field is enabled when Source field is selected to Query.
Row Limit
(Optional) Specifies the maximum number of records to return from the database. The value 0 means all records are available.
Burst Size
(Optional) Specifies the number of records that the connector concatenates and returns as a single logical data unit per burst. The Value 0 instructs the connector to concatenate all available records and return them as a single unit of data. This property is enabled in burst mode. In integral mode the value 0 is always used.
Additional Information
Last modified date: 09/19/2024