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Schedule a Warehouse
After creating a warehouse, you may schedule a start, stop, backup, or a scaling to economize on AU costs (see Warehouse or Database Cost and Actian Units).
You may create one or multiple schedule events to stop, start, or scale a warehouse using these elements:
Time Increment
Start Warehouse
Stop Warehouse
Scale Warehouse
Start Database
Stop Database
Interval – event duration, from 0 hours, 15 minutes to 23 hours, 45 minutes
Schedule Once – date and time to run an event
Daily – every day of the week
Every weekday (Mon–Fri)
Weekly – particular weekdays
Monthly – month 1–12 on a particular day of the month
Custom (quartz cron expression—see Cron Expressions)
Fifteen-minute increments,
12:00 AM – 11:45 PM
To manually scale a warehouse, see Scale a Warehouse.
To create or delete a schedule event, follow the appropriate procedure:
To create a start/stop schedule event
1. Do one of the following:
In the Actian warehouses console, click the warehouse name to display its Warehouse Details page.
In the Actian Database Instances console, click the database name to display its Database Instance Details page.
2. In the Schedule row, click the Create Schedule icon:
The Schedule Warehouse/Database Action dialog opens.
3. Select an Action for the event:
Start Warehouse or Stop Warehouse
Start Database or Stop Database
4. Choose a Recurrence interval:
Schedule Once
Every weekday (Mon–Fri)
5. Select a Start time for the action:
Interval – event duration
Select an interval from 0 hours, 15 minutes to 23 hours, 45 minutes
Schedule Once – trigger a one-time event
Select a day of the month and an execution time from 12:00 AM – 11:45 PM.
Daily – every day of the week
Every weekday (Mon–Fri)
Select a start time from 12:00 AM – 11:45 PM.
Weekly – particular weekdays
1. Select one or more weekdays for the action.
2. Select a start time from 12:00 AM – 11:45 PM.
Monthly – month 1–12 on a particular day of the month
1. Select a month for the action.
2. Select a month day for the action.
3. Select a start time from 12:00 AM – 11:45 PM.
Enter a custom cron expression in the field. See Cron Expressions.
6. Click the Schedule button to create the action.
The schedule action is added to the list at the bottom of the dialogue.
7. Click the Add Schedule button to add another schedule event and repeat steps 3–6.
To create a warehouse scaling schedule event
1. In the Actian warehouses console, click the warehouse name to display its Warehouse Details page.
2. In the Schedule row, click the Create Schedule icon:
The Schedule Warehouse Action dialog opens.
3. Select an Action for the event: Scale Warehouse.
4. Choose the number of Actian Units (AUs) to scale to. (Number of AUs available depends on your account quota.)
5. Choose a Recurrence interval:
Schedule Once
Every weekday (Mon–Fri)
6. Select a Start time for the action:
Interval (event duration)
Select an interval from 0 hours, 15 minutes to 23 hours, 45 minutes
Schedule Once – trigger a one-time event
Select a day of the month and an execution time from 12:00 AM – 11:45 PM.
Daily – every day of the week
Every weekday (Mon–Fri)
Select a start time from 12:00 AM – 11:45 PM.
Weekly – particular weekdays
1. Select one or more weekdays for the action.
2. Select a start time from 12:00 AM – 11:45 PM.
Monthly – month 1–12 on a particular day of the month
1. Select a month for the action.
2. Select a month day for the action.
3. Select a start time from 12:00 AM – 11:45 PM.
Enter a custom cron expression in the field. See Cron Expressions.
7. Click the Schedule button to create the action.
The schedule action is added to the list at the bottom of the dialogue.
8. Click the Add Schedule button to add another schedule event and repeat steps 3–6.
To delete a schedule event
1. Do one of the following:
In the Actian warehouses console, click the warehouse name to display its Warehouse Details page.
In the Actian Database Instances console, click the database name to display its Database Instance Details page.
2. In the Schedule row, click the Create Schedule icon:
The Schedule Warehouse/Database Action dialog opens.
3. Scroll down to the list of schedule events.
4. To search for a particular event by action or recurrence, enter text in the search field:
5. When the schedule event is shown in the list, click the delete icon on its right:
6. Confirm the deletion.
The schedule event is removed from the events list.
Last modified date: 12/12/2024