Property | Accessor | Description |
CommandText | get set | SQL statement string to execute or procedure name to call. |
CommandTimeout | get set | The time, in seconds, for an attempted query to time-out if the query has not yet completed. Default is 0 seconds. |
CommandType | get set | An enumeration describing how to interpret the CommandText property. Valid values are Text, TableDirect, or StoredProcedure. |
Connection | get set | The IngresConnection object that is used to identify the connection to execute a command. For more information, see IngresConnection Class. |
Parameters | get | The IngresParameterCollection for the parameters associated with the SQL query or database procedure. For more information, see IngresParameterCollection Class. |
Transaction | get set | The IngresTransaction object in which the IngresCommand executes. This transaction object must be compatible with the transaction object that is associated with the Connection, (that is, the IngresTransaction must be the object (or a copy) returned by IngresConnection.BeginTransaction). |
UpdateRowSource | get set | Defines how results are applied to a rowset by the DbDataAdapter.Update method. (Inherited from DbDataAdapter.) |
Method | Description |
Cancel | Cancels the execution of the SQL command or database procedure. |
CreateParameter | Creates a new instance of IngresParameter. For more information, see IngresParameter Class. |
Dispose | Releases allocated resources of the IngresCommand and base Component. |
ExecuteNonQuery | Executes a command that does not return results. Returns the number of rows affected by the update, delete, or insert SQL command. |
ExecuteReader | Executes a command and builds an IngresDataReader. For more information, see IngresDataReader Class. |
ExecuteScalar | Executes a command and returns the first column of the first row of the result set. |
Prepare | Prepares the SQL statement to be executed later. |
ResetCommandTimeout | Resets the CommandTimeout property to its default value of 30 seconds. |
Constructor Overloads | Description |
IngresCommand() | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresCommand class using default property values |
IngresCommand(string) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresCommand class using the defined SQL command or database procedure |
IngresCommand(string, IngresConnection) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresCommand class using the defined SQL command or database procedure and the connection to the Actian database |
IngresCommand(string, IngresConnection, IngresTransaction) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresCommand class using the defined SQL command or database procedure, the connection to the Actian database, and the IngresTransaction object |
Property | Accessor | Description |
CatalogLocation | get set | Position of the catalog name in a qualified table name. |
CatalogSeparator | get set | The string of characters that defines the separation between a catalog name and the table name. |
ConflictOption | get set | Controls how to compare for update conflicts. |
DataAdapter | get set | The IngresDataAdapter object that is associated with the CommandBuilder. The IngresDataAdapter contains the InsertCommand, DeleteCommand, and UpdateCommand objects that are automatically derived from the SelectCommand. |
QuotePrefix | get set | The string of characters that are used as the starting delimiter of a quoted table or column name in an SQL statement. |
QuoteSuffix | get set | The string of characters that are used as the ending delimiter of a quoted table or column name in an SQL statement. |
SchemaSeparator | get set | The string of characters that defines the separation between a table name and column name. Always a period (.) |
Method | Description |
Derive Parameters | Retrieves the parameter metadata of the database procedure specified in the IngresCommand object and populates the IngresCommand.Parameters collection. |
GetDeleteCommand | Gets the generated IngresCommand to perform DELETE operations on the table. |
GetInsertCommand | Gets the generated IngresCommand to perform INSERT operations on the table. |
GetUpdateCommand | Gets the generated IngresCommand to perform UPDATE operations on the table. |
QuoteIdentifier | Wrap quotes around an identifier. |
RefreshSchema | Refreshes the IngresCommandBuilder's copy of the metadata of a possibly changed SELECT statement in the IngresDataAdapter.SelectCommand object. |
UnquoteIdentifier | Removes quotes from an identifier. |
Constructor Overloads | Description |
IngresCommandBuilder () | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresCommandBuilder class using default property values |
IngresCommandBuilder (IngresDataAdapter) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresCommandBuilder class using the specified IngresDataAdapter |
Property | Accessor | Description |
ConnectionString | get set | String that specifies the target server machine and database to connect to, the credentials of the user who is connecting, and the parameters that define connection pooling and security. Default is "". Consists of keyword=value pairs, separated by semicolons. Leading and trailing blanks around the keyword or value are ignored. Case and embedded blanks in the keyword are ignored. Case and embedded blanks in the value are retained. Can only be set if connection is closed. Resetting the connection string resets the ConnectionTimeOut and Database properties. For a list of valid keywords and their descriptions, see Connection String Keywords. |
ConnectionTimeOut | get | The time, in seconds, for an attempted connection to abort if the connection cannot be established. Default is 15 seconds. |
Database | get | The database name specified in the ConnectionString's Database value. Default is "". |
DataSource | get | The name of the target server. |
ServerVersion | get | The server version number. May include additional descriptive information about the server. This property uses an IngresDataReader. For this reason, no other IngresDataReader can be active at the time that this property is first invoked. |
State | get | The current state of the connection: ConnectionState.Closed or ConnectionState.Open. |
Method | Description |
BeginTransaction | Begins a local transaction. The connection must be open before this method can be called. Nested or parallel transactions are not supported. Mutually exclusive with the EnlistDistributedTransaction method. |
ChangeDatabase | Changes the database to be used for the connection. The connection must be closed before this method can be called. |
Close | Closes the connection (rollback pending transaction) and returns the connection to the connection pool. |
CreateCommand | Creates an IngresCommand object. |
Dispose | Closes the connection and releases allocated resources. |
EnlistDistributedTransaction | Enlists in an existing distributed transaction (ITransaction). Mutually exclusive with the BeginTransaction method. |
EnlistTransaction | Enlists in an existing distributed transaction (System.Transactions.Transaction). Mutually exclusive with the BeginTransaction method. |
GetSchema | Returns schema metadata from the Actian database catalog for the specified collection name. Valid collection names include: • MetaDataCollections • DataSourceInformation • DataTypes • Restrictions • ReservedWords • Tables • Views • Columns • Indexes • Procedures • ProcedureParameters |
Open | Opens a database connection or uses one from the connection pool. |
Event | Description |
InfoMessage | Generated when the database returns a warning or informational message. |
StateChange | Generated when the State property changes from Closed to Open or from Open to Close. For a definition of State, see IngresConnection Class Properties. |
Constructor Overloads | Description |
IngresConnection() | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresConnection class using default property values |
IngresConnection(string) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresConnection class using the defined connection string |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
CollectionName | String | Collection name support by the data provider |
NumberOfRestrictions | INT32 | Number of restrictions that can be specified for the collection by GetSchema |
NumberOfIdentifierParts | INT32 | Number of parts in the database object name. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
CompositeIdentifierSeparatorPattern | String | Regular expression for matching composite name separator character |
DataSourceProductName | String | Product name accessed by the data provider |
DataSourceProductVersion | String | Product version accessed by the data provider |
DataSourceProductVersionNormalized | String | Product version accessed by the data provider in a format that will be consistent for all versions of the data provider |
GroupByBehavior | GroupByBehavior | The relationship between GROUP BY columns and non-aggregated columns of the SELECT statement |
IdentifierPattern | String | Regular expression for matching an identifier |
IdentifierCase | IdentifierCase | Indicates if nonquoted identifiers are case-sensitive |
OrderByColumnsInSelect | Boolean | Specifies whether ORDER BY columns must be specified in the SELECT list. |
ParameterMarkerFormat | String | Format string for matching a parameter marker |
ParameterMarkerPattern | String | Regular expression for matching a parameter marker |
ParameterNameMaxLength | INT32 | Maximum character length of a named parameter |
ParameterNamePattern | String | Regular expression for matching a named parameter |
QuotedIdentifierPattern | String | Regular expression for matching a quoted identifier |
QuotedIdentifierCase | String | Indicats if quoted identifiers are case sensitive |
StatementSeparatorPattern | String | Regular expression for matching a statement separator |
StringLiteralPattern | String | Regular expression for matching a quoted string literal in an SQL statement |
SupportedJoinOperators | SupportedJoinOperators | Specifies what SQL JOIN operators are supported |
ColumnName | DataType | Description |
TypeName | String | Actian database data type name |
ProviderDbType | INT32 | IngresType value to be used for a parameter data type |
ColumnSize | INT64 | Length of the data type, if non-numeric |
CreateFormat | String | Format string for creation of a column’s data type in a CREATE TABLE |
CreateParameters | String | Length, precision, and/or scale parameters associated with the data type’s CreateFormat |
DataType | String | Name of the .NET Framework data type associated with this data type |
IsAutoIncrementable | Boolean | Indicates whether this data type may be auto-incrementing |
IsBestMatch | Boolean | Indicates whether this data type is the best match for the .NET Framework specified by the DataType column |
IsCaseSensitive | Boolean | Indicates whether the data type is a character data type and is case-sensitive |
IsFixedLength | Boolean | Indicates whether the data type is of fixed length |
IsFixedPrecisionScale | Boolean | Indicates whether the data type has a fixed precision and scale |
IsLong | Boolean | Indicates whether the data type is a CLOB or BLOB |
IsNullable | Boolean | Indicates whether the data type is nullable |
IsSearchable | Boolean | Indicates whether the data type can be used in a WHERE predicate with any operator other than LIKE |
IsSearchableWithLike | Boolean | Indicates whether the data type can be used in a WHERE predicate with the LIKE operator |
IsUnsigned | Boolean | Indicates whether the data type is unsigned |
MaximumScale | INT16 | If the data type is numeric, the maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point |
MinimumScale | INT16 | If the data type is numeric, the minimum number of digits to the right of the decimal point |
IsConcurrencyType | Boolean | Indicates whether the data type is updated when the row is changed and the column value is different. DBNull.Value if this capability is not supported. |
IsLiteralSupported | Boolean | Indicates whether the data type can be expressed in a literal |
LiteralPrefix | String | The prefix for a literal of this type |
LiteralSuffix | String | The suffix for a literal of this type |
ColumnName | DataType | Description |
CollectionName | String | Collection name |
RestrictionName | String | Restriction name |
RestrictionDefault | String | Ignored |
RestrictionNumber | INT32 | The location (numbered from 1) within the restrictions collection where this restriction is associated with |
ColumnName | DataType | Description |
ReservedWord | String | Actian database-specific reserved words |
ColumnName | DataType | Description |
TABLE_CATALOG1 | String | Always DBNull.Value |
TABLE_SCHEMA2 | String | Schema name (table owner name) |
TABLE_NAME3 | String | Table name of user table |
TABLE_TYPE | String | Always "TABLE" |
ColumnName | DataType | Description |
TABLE_CATALOG1 | String | Always DBNull.Value |
TABLE_SCHEMA 2 | String | Schema name (view owner name) |
TABLE_NAME3 | String | View name of user view |
TABLE_TYPE | String | Always "VIEW" |
ColumnName | DataType | Description |
TABLE_CATALOG1 | String | Always DBNull.Value |
TABLE_SCHEMA2 | String | Schema name (table/view owner name) |
TABLE_NAME3 | String | Table/view name of user table |
COLUMN_NAME4 | String | Column name |
ORDINAL_POSITION | Int16 | Position of the column within the set of the table’s columns, numbered from 1 |
COLUMN_DEFAULT | String | Column’s default value |
IS_NULLABLE | Boolean | Indicates whether the column is nullable |
DATA_TYPE | String | Actian database data type name |
CHARACTER_MAXIMUM _LENGTH | INT32 | Maximum length in characters, if character or binary data type |
CHARACTER_OCTET _LENGTH | INT32 | Maximum length in bytes, if character or binary data type |
NUMERIC_PRECISION | Byte | Precision length if an integer, float, real, decimal, datetime, or interval data type |
NUMERIC_PRECISION _RADIX | INT16 | Radix of the Precision |
NUMERIC_SCALE | INT32 | Scale length |
DATETIME_PRECISION | INT16 | Precision of ingresdate and ANSI Timestamp data types |
ColumnName | DataType | Description |
TABLE_CATALOG1 | String | Always DBNull.Value |
TABLE_SCHEMA2 | String | Base table schema name (table owner name) |
TABLE_NAME3 | String | Base table name |
NON_UNIQUE | INT16 | 1 if index is unique, else 0 |
INDEX_QUALIFIER | String | Index owner name |
INDEX_NAME4 | String | Index name |
TYPE | INT16 | Index type (always ODBC index type SQL_INDEX_OTHER) |
ORDINAL_POSITION | INT16 | Position of the column within the set of the index’s columns, numbered from 1 |
COLUMN_NAME | String | Column name |
ASC_OR_DSC | String | Collation. "A" for ascending, "D" for descending |
ColumnName | DataType | Description |
PROCEDURE_CATALOG1 | String | Always DBNull.Value |
PROCEDURE_SCHEMA2 | String | Procedure schema (procedure owner name) |
PROCEDURE_NAME3 | String | Procedure name |
ColumnName | DataType | Description |
PROCEDURE_CATALOG1 | String | Always DBNull.Value |
PROCEDURE _SCHEMA2 | String | Schema name (procedure owner name) |
PROCEDURE _NAME3 | String | Procedure name |
COLUMN_NAME4 | String | Procedure parameter name |
ORDINAL_POSITION | INT16 | Position of the column within the set of the procedure’s parameters, numbered from 1 |
COLUMN_DEFAULT | String | Parameter’s default value |
IS_NULLABLE | Boolean | Indicates whether the parameter is nullable |
DATA_TYPE | String | Actian database data type name |
CHARACTER_MAXIMUM _LENGTH | INT32 | Maximum length in characters, if character or binary data type |
CHARACTER_OCTET _LENGTH | INT32 | Maximum length in bytes, if character or binary data type |
NUMERIC_PRECISION | Byte | Precision length if an integer, float, real, decimal, datetime, or interval data type |
NUMERIC_PRECISION _RADIX | INT16 | Radix of the precision |
NUMERIC_SCALE | INT32 | Scale length |
DATETIME_PRECISION | INT16 | Precision of ingresdate and ANSI Timestamp data types |
INGRESTYPE | IngresType | .NET Data Provider data type |
Property | Accessor | Description |
BrowsableConnectionString | get set | Indicates whether the ConnectionString Property is visible in Visual Studio designers. |
BlankDate | get set | BlankDate=null specifies that an Ingres blank (empty) date result value is to be returned to the application as a null value. The default is to return an Ingres blank date as a DateTime value of "9999-12-31 23:59:59". |
CharacterEncoding | get set | Specifies the .NET character encoding (for example, ISO-8859-1) used for conversions between Unicode and character data types. |
Compress | get set | Specifies whether network communication blocks are compressed between the data provider and server. |
ConnectTimeout | get set | The time, in seconds, to wait for an attempted connection to time out if the connection has not completed. Default is 15. |
Count | get | The number of keys contained within the ConnectionString property. |
CursorMode | get set | Specifies the default cursor concurrency mode, which determines the concurrency of cursors that have no explicitly assigned option in the command text. For example, FOR UPDATE or FOR READONLY. |
Database | get set | Name of the Actian database being connected to. |
DateAlias | get set | Specifies the alias data type for the DATE data type: ansidate—Sets ANSIDATE as the alias for DATE ingresdate—Sets INGRESDATE is the alias for DATE |
DateFormat | get set | Specifies the Actian database date format to be used by the Ingres server for date literals. Corresponds to the Actian database environment variable II_DATE_FORMAT and is assigned the same values. |
DbmsUser | get set | The user name associated with the DBMS session. |
DbmsPassword | get set | The DBMS password of the user. |
DecimalChar | get set | Specifies the character that the DBMS Server is to use to separate fractional and non-fractional parts of a number—the comma (',') or the period ('.'). Default is the period. |
Encrypt | get set | If set to true, encrypt the data between the data provider and server. Default is true. |
EncryptionAESKeySize | get set | Size of the AES key in bits. Supported values are: 128, 192, and 256. Default is 128. |
EncryptionRSAKeySize | get set | Size of the RSA key in bits. Supported values are: 1024, 2048, 3072, and 4096. Default is 1024 |
EncryptionRSAKeyScope | get set | Defines the scope where an RSA key is used: process—(Default) One RSA key is generated in a process and used for all connections originating from that process. connection—An RSA key is generated for each connection and used only for that connection. |
Enlist | get set | If set to true and if the creation thread is within a transaction context as established by System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent, the IngresConnection is automatically enlisted into the transaction context. Default is true. |
GroupID | get set | Group identifier that has permissions for a group of users. |
IdentifierDelimiter | get set | The character recognized by the data provider to delimit an identifier: dquote—(Default) Recognizes only double-quotes bracket—Recognizes both double-quotes and brackets |
Item | get set | The value associated with the key. This property is the C# indexer for the IngresConnectionStringBuilder class. |
Keys | get | An ICollection of keys of type String in the IngresConnectionStringBuilder. |
MaxPoolSize | get set | Maximum number of connections that can be in the connection pool. Default is 100. |
MinPoolSize | get set | Minimum number of connections that can be in the connection pool. Default is 0. |
MoneyFormat | get set | The Actian database money format to be used by the server for money literals. Corresponds to the Actian database environment variable II_MONEY_FORMAT and is assigned the same values. |
MoneyPrecision | get set | The money precision to be used by the server for money literals. Corresponds to the Actian database environment variable II_MONEY_PREC and is assigned the same values. |
Password | get set | The password to the Actian database. |
PersistSecurityInfo | get set | Indicates whether password information is returned in a get of the ConnectionString. |
Pooling | get set | Enables or disables connection pooling. By default, connection pooling is enabled (true). |
Port | get set | Port number on the target server machine that the Data Access Server is listening to. Default for Ingres is II7. Default for Vector is VW7. Default for Actian Data Platform is 27839. |
PrefetchBlocks | get set | Prefetch blocking factor to override the default algorithm for computing the number of row blocks to fetch from a result-set. Default is 1 (no changes in default prefetch behavior). |
PrefetchStream | get set | Specifies whether to enable high performance prefetch of data as a stream from the result set when using a select loop (a SELECT query that is neither prepared nor has parameters). Default is false, meaning no change in current behavior. |
RoleID | get set | Role identifier that has associated privileges for the role. |
RolePassword | get set | Role password associated with the Role ID. |
SendIngresDates | get set | Whether DateTime, Date, and Time values should be sent as INGRESDATE data type. Valid values are: false–(Default) Sends values as ANSI timestamp_with_timezone, ANSI date, ANSI time respectively. true–Sends values as INGRESDATE type. This option can be used for compatibility with semantic rules from older releases of Ingres |
Server | get set | The host server to connect to. |
Timezone | get set | The time zone associated with the user's location. Used by the Actian database server only. Corresponds to the DBMS environment variable II_TIMEZONE_NAME and is assigned the same values. |
UserID | get set | The name of the authorized user connecting to the DBMS Server. This value may be case-sensitive depending on the target server. |
Values | get | An ICollection of values of type Object in the IngresConnectionStringBuilder. |
VnodeUsage | get set | Allows the .NET application to control the portions of the vnode information that are used to establish the connection to the remote DBMS server through the Ingres Data Access Server: connect—(Default) Uses only the vnode connection information login—Uses both the vnode connection and login information |
Method | Description |
Add | Adds a key and value to the collection within IngresConnectionStringBuilder. |
Clear | Clears all keys and values from IngresConnectionStringBuilder. Sets ConnectionString propery to “”. |
ContainsKey | Returns true if IngresConnectionStringBuilder contains the specified key. |
EquivalentTo | Returns true if keys and values are comparable to the specified IngresConnectionStringBuilder object. |
Remove | Removes the entry with the specified key from IngresConnectionStringBuilder. |
ToString | Returns the ConnectionString associated in the IngresConnectionStringBuilder. |
TryGetValue | Returns a value corresponding to the specified key from the IngresConnectionStringBuilder. Returns false if the key was not found. |
Constructor Overloads | Description |
IngresConnectionStringBuilder () | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresConnectionStringBuilder class using default property values |
IngresConnectionStringBuilder (string) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresConnectionStringBuilder class using the specified connection string. |
Property | Accessor | Description |
Depth | get | The depth of nesting for the current row. This data provider always returns a depth of zero to indicate no nesting of tables. |
FieldCount | get | The number of columns in the current row. |
HasRows | get | Returns true if the data reader contains one or more rows. Returns false if the data reader contains zero rows. |
IsClosed | get | A true/false indicator as to whether the data reader is closed. |
Item | get | Gets the column value in its native format for a given column name or column ordinal. This property is the C# indexer for the IngresDataReader class. |
RecordsAffected | get | The number of rows updated, inserted, or deleted by execution of the SQL statement. -1 is returned for SELECT statements. |
Method | Description |
Close | Closes the IngresDataReader. |
GetBoolean | Gets the column value as a Boolean. |
GetByte | Gets the column value as an unsigned 8-bit Byte. |
GetBytes | Gets the column value as a byte stream into a Byte array. |
GetChar | Gets the column value as a Char. |
GetChars | Gets the column value as a character stream into a Char array. |
GetDataTypeName | Gets the column's data type name as known in Actian database. |
GetDateTime | Gets the column value as a DateTime. |
GetDecimal | Gets the column value as a Decimal. |
GetDouble | Gets the column value as a double. |
GetFieldType | Gets the column's .NET Type. |
GetFloat | Gets the column value as a Float. |
GetGuid | Gets the column value as a Guid. |
GetInt16 | Gets the column value as a signed 16-bit integer. |
GetInt32 | Gets the column value as a signed 32-bit integer. |
GetInt64 | Gets the column value as a signed 64-bit integer. |
GetName | Gets the column's name using a specified ordinal. |
GetOrdinal | Gets the column's ordinal using a specified name. |
GetSchemaTable | Returns a DataTable that describes the resultset column metadata. If ExecuteReader( CommandBehavior.KeyInfo ) was called, additional information about primary key columns, unique columns, and base names is retrieved from the database catalog and included in the returned DataTable. For column information returned, see GetSchemaTable Columns Returned. |
GetString | Gets the column value as a string. |
GetTimeSpan | Gets the column value as a TimeSpan. |
GetValue | Gets the column value in its native format. |
GetValues | Gets all of the column values into an Object array. |
IsDBNull | Returns true/false indicating whether the column value is null. |
NextResult | Advances the data reader to the next result set if present. |
Read | Advances the data reader to the next row in the result set. |
Column Information | Data Type | Description |
ColumnName | String | The name of the column, which reflects the renaming of the column in the command text (that is, the alias). |
ColumnOrdinal | Int32 | The number of the column, beginning with 1. |
ColumnSize | Int32 | Maximum possible length of a value in the column. |
NumericPrecision | Int16 | This is the maximum precision of the column if the column is a numeric data type; otherwise the value is null. |
NumericScale | Int16 | This is the number of decimal places in the column if the column is a numeric data type; otherwise the value is null. |
DataType | Type | The .NET Framework data type of the column. |
ProviderType | IngresType | The indicator of the column's data type |
IsLong | Boolean | Set to true if the column contains a long varchar, long varbinary, or long nvarchar object; otherwise false. |
AllowDBNull | Boolean | Set to true if the application can set the column to a null value or if the data provider cannot determine if the application can set the column to a null value. Set to false if it is known that the application is not permitted to set the column to a null. Note that a column value may be null even if the application is not permitted to set the null value. |
IsReadOnly | Boolean | Set to true if it is known that the column cannot be modified; otherwise false. |
IsRowVersion | Boolean | Set to true if column has a persistent row identifier that cannot be written to and serves only to identify the row. The .NET Data Provider always returns false. |
IsUnique | Boolean | Set to true if no two rows in the table can have the same value in this column. Set to false if not unique or if uniqueness cannot be determined. Only set if ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.KeyInfo) was called. |
IsKey | Boolean | Set to true if this column is in the set of columns that, taken together, uniquely identify the row. Only set if ExecuteReader( CommandBehavior.KeyInfo ) was called. |
IsAutoIncrement | Boolean | Set to true if the column assigns values to new rows in fixed increments. The .NET Data Provider always returns false. |
BaseCatalogName | String | The name of the database catalog that contains the column. This value is null if the catalog name cannot be determined. The .NET Data Provider always returns a null value. |
BaseSchemaName | String | The name of the database schema that contains the column. This value is null if the schema name cannot be determined. Only set if ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.KeyInfo) was called. |
BaseTableName | String | The name of the database table or view that contains the column. This value is null if the table name cannot be determined. Only set if ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.KeyInfo) was called. |
BaseColumnName | String | The name of the column in the database. This value is null if the column name cannot be determined. Only set if ExecuteReader( CommandBehavior.KeyInfo ) was called. |
IngresType | Actian Database Data Type | .NET Data Type | Accessor |
Binary | byte | Byte[] | GetBytes() |
Char | char | String | GetString() |
DateTime | date | DateTime | GetDateTime() |
Decimal | decimal | Decimal | GetDecimal() |
Double | double precision (float8) | Double | GetDouble() |
SmallInt | smallint | Int16 | GetInt16() |
TinyInt | integer1 | Byte | GetByte() |
Int | integer | Int32 | GetInt32() |
BigInt | bigint | Int64 | GetInt64() |
LongVarBinary | long byte | Byte[] | GetBytes() |
LongVarChar | long varchar | String | GetString() |
LongNVarChar | long nvarchar | String | GetString() |
Nchar | nchar | String | GetString() |
NvarChar | nvarchar | String | GetString() |
Real | real (float4) | Single | GetString() |
UUID | uuid | Guid | GetGuid() |
VarBinary | byte varying | Byte[] | GetBytes() |
VarChar | varchar | String | GetString() |
IntervalYearToMonth | interval year to month | String | GetString() |
IntervalDayToSecond | interval day to second | Timespan | GetTimeSpan() |
Property | Accessor | Description |
AcceptChangesDuringFill | get set | A true/false value indicating whether the DataRow.AcceptChanges method is called after the DataRow is added to the DataTable. Inherited from DataAdapter. Default is true. |
ContinueUpdateOnError | get set | A true/false value indicating whether to generate an exception or to update the RowError property when an error occurs during an update to the row. Inherited from DataAdapter. Default is false. |
DeleteCommand | get set | Command to be used (SQL statement or database procedure) to DELETE records from the database. |
InsertCommand | get set | Command to be used (SQL statement or database procedure) to INSERT records into the database. |
MissingMappingAction | get set | Action to be taken if incoming data does not have a matching table or column. Default is Passthrough. Inherited from DataAdapter. |
MissingSchemaAction | get set | Action to be taken if an existing DataSet schema does not match incoming data. Inherited from DataAdapter. Default is Add. |
SelectCommand | get set | Command to be used (SQL statement or database procedure) to SELECT records from the database. |
TableMappings | get | The collection that provides the mapping between the returned records and the DataSet. Inherited from DataAdapter. Default is an empty collection. |
UpdateBatchSize | get set | Enables or disables batch processing support (see Batch Statement Execution) and specifies the number of commands that can be executed in a batch. Inherited from DbDataAdapter. Default is 1 (batch is disabled). |
UpdateCommand | get set | Command to be used (SQL statement or database procedure) to UPDATE records in the database. |
Method | Description |
Dispose | Releases allocated resources. |
Fill | Adds or refreshes rows in the DataSet to match the values in the database. Inherited from DBDataAdapter. |
FillSchema | Adds a DataTable to a DataSet and configures the schema to match that in the database. FillSchema does not add rows to a DataTable. Inherited from DBDataAdapter. |
GetFillParameters | Gets an array of IDataParameter objects that contain the parameters set by the user when executing a SELECT statement. Inherited from DBDataAdapter. |
Update | Calls the respective INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements for each inserted, updated, or deleted row in the DataSet. Inherited from DBDataAdapter. |
Event | Description |
FillError | Raised when an error occurs during a Fill operation. Inherited from DBDataAdapter. |
RowUpdating | Raised as an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE operation on a row (by a call to one of the Update methods) is about to start. |
RowUpdated | Raised after an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE operation on a row (by a call to one of the Update methods) is complete. |
Constructor Overloads | Description |
IngresDataAdapter() | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresDataAdapter class using default property values |
IngresDataAdapter (IngresCommand) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresDataAdapter class using the defined IngresCommand as the SelectCommand. |
IngresDataAdapter (string, IngresConnection) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresDataAdapter class using the defined command text for a new instance of IngresCommand for the SelectCommand, and the IngresConnection object |
IngresDataAdapter (string, string) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresDataAdapter class using the defined command text for the SelectCommand and a connection string |
Property | Accessor | Description |
Message | get | A description of the error. |
Number | get | The database-specific error integer information returned by the Actian database. |
Source | get | Name of the data provider that generated the error. Always “Ingres.” |
SQLState | get | The standard five-character SQLSTATE code. |
Method | Description |
ToString | A description of the error in the form of “IngresError: error-message-text”. |
Property | Accessor | Description |
Count | get | The number of errors in the collection. |
Item | get | Gets the IngresError for a given ordinal. This property is the C# indexer for IngresErrorCollection class. |
Method | Description |
CopyTo | Copies the elements of IngresErrorCollection to an Array. |
Property | Accessor | Description |
Errors | get | An ErrorCollection of one or more Error objects that give more detailed information on the exception generated by the provider. |
InnerException | get | The nested Exception instance that caused the current exception. Inherited from Exception. |
Message | get | A concatenation of all the messages in the Errors collection. |
Source | get | Name of the data provider that generated the error. Always “Ingres.” |
StackTrace | get | A string representation of the frames on the call stack at the time the current exception was thrown. |
TargetSite | get | The method that threw the current exception. Inherited from Exception. |
Method | Description |
ToString | The description of the exception as a string. |
Field | Description |
Instance | The static field containing the single instance of IngresFactory. |
Method | Description |
CreateCommand | Creates an instance of IngresCommand using the factory. |
CreateCommandBuilder | Creates an instance of IngresCommandBuilder using the factory. |
CreateConnection | Creates an instance of IngresConnection using the factory. |
CreateConnectionStringBuilder | Creates an instance of IngresConnectionStringBuilder using the factory. |
CreateDataAdapter | Creates an instance of IngresDataAdapter using the factory. |
CreateDataSourceEnumerator | Always returns null. |
CreateParameter | Creates an instance of IngresParameter using the factory. |
CreatePermission | Creates an instance of IngresPermission using the factory. |
Property | Accessor | Description |
Errors | get | An ErrorCollection of one or more Error objects that give more detailed information on the warnings generated by the provider. |
Message | get | A concatenation of all the messages in the Errors collection. |
Number | get | The database-specific warning integer information returned by the Actian database. |
Source | get | Name of the data provider that generated the error. Always “Ingres.” |
Property | Accessor | Description |
DbType | get set | The type that the parameter must be converted to before being passed to the database server. Setting this parameter induces a setting of IngresType property. Default is DbType.String. |
Direction | get set | Indicators whether the parameter has an input, input/output, output, or procedure return value. |
IngresType | get set | The type that the parameter must be converted to before being passed to the database server. Setting this parameter induces a setting of DbType property. Default is IngresType.NvarChar if the database supports Unicode UCS-2; otherwise the default is IngresType.VarChar. |
IsNullable | get set | Indicates whether the parameter accepts null values. True = accepts null values. False = does not accept null values. |
ParameterName | get set | The name of the parameter. Default is “”. |
Precision | get set | Maximum number of digits for decimal parameters. Default is 0. |
Scale | get set | Number of decimal places for decimal parameters. Default is 0. |
Size | get set | Maximum size of binary and string data to be sent to the server. Default is inferred from the parameter value. |
SourceColumn | get set | The name of the source column mapped to a DataSet. Default is “”. |
SourceVersion | get set | The DataRowVersion used by an UpdateCommand during an Update operation for setting the parameter. Default is DataRowVersion.Current. |
Value | get set | The value of the parameter. Default is null. |
Method | Description |
ToString | The name of the parameter. |
Constructor Overloads | Description |
IngresParameter() | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresParameter class using default property values |
IngresParameter (string, DbType) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresParameter class using the defined parameter name and DbType. |
IngresParameter (string, IngresType) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresParameter class using the defined parameter name and IngresType. |
IngresParameter (string, object) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresParameter class using the defined parameter name and System.Object. The DbType and IngresType are inferred from the .NET Type of the object. |
IngresParameter (string, DbType, string) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresParameter class using the defined parameter name, DbType, and source column name. |
IngresParameter (string, IngresType, string) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresParameter class using the defined parameter name, IngresType, and source column name. |
IngresParameter (string, DbType, int) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresParameter class using the defined parameter name, DbType, and column size. |
IngresParameter (string, IngresType, int) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresParameter class using the defined parameter name, IngresType, and column size. |
IngresParameter (string, DbType, int, string) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresParameter class using the defined parameter name, DbType, column size, and source column name. |
IngresParameter (string, IngresType, int, string) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresParameter class using the defined parameter name, IngresType, column size, and source column name. |
IngresParameter (string, DbType, int, ParameterDirection, bool, byte, byte, string, DataRowVersion, object) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresParameter class using the defined parameter name, DbType, column size, parameter direction, boolean indication of whether or not the field can be null, precision, scale, source column name, DataRowVersion describing the version of a System.Data.DataRow, and the value of the object. |
IngresParameter (string, IngresType, int, ParameterDirection, bool, byte, byte, string, DataRowVersion, object) | Instantiates a new instance of the IngresParameter class using the defined parameter name, IngresType, column size, parameter direction, boolean indication of whether or not the field can be null, precision, scale, source column name, DataRowVersion describing the version of a System.Data.DataRow, and the value of the object. |
Property | Accessor | Description |
Count | get | The number of parameters in the collection. |
Item | get set | The IngresParameter object for a given ordinal or parameter name. This property is the C# indexer for IngresParameterCollection class. |
Method | Description |
Add | Adds an IngresParameter to the parameter collection. |
AddRange | Adds an array of values or IngresParameters to the parameter collection |
AddWithValue | Adds an IngresParameter with a name and value to the parameter collection. |
Clear | Removes all items from the collection. |
Contains | Indicates whether IngresParameter exists in the collection. True = does exist; False = does not exist. |
CopyTo | Copies the elements of IngresParameterCollection to an Array. |
IndexOf | Returns the index of the IngresParameter in the collection. |
Insert | Inserts the IngresParameter into the collection. |
Remove | Removes the IngresParameter from the collection. |
RemoveAt | Removes an IngresParameter with a specified index or name from the collection. |
Property | Accessor | Description |
Command | get | The IngresCommand executed when DbDataAdapter.Update method is called. |
Errors | get | The Exception containing any errors generated during the execution of the IngresCommand. Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs. |
RecordsAffected | get | The number of rows updated, inserted, or deleted during the execution of the UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE SQL statement. Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs. |
Row | get | The System.Data.DataRow sent through the DbDataAdapter.Update. Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs. |
StatementType | get | The type of SQL statement executed. Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs. |
Status | get | The System.Data.UpdateStatus of the IngresCommand. Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs. |
TableMapping | get | The DataTableMapping sent through a DbDataAdapter.Update. Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs. |
Property | Accessor | Description |
Command | get set | The IngresCommand executed when DbDataAdapter.Update method is called. |
Errors | get | The Exception containing any errors generated during the execution of the IngresCommand. Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs. |
RecordsAffected | get | The number of rows updated, inserted, or deleted during the execution of the UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE SQL statement. Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs. |
Row | get | The System.Data.DataRow sent through the DbDataAdapter.Update. Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs. |
StatementType | get | The type of SQL statement executed. Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs. |
Status | get | The System.Data.UpdateStatus of the IngresCommand. Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs. |
TableMapping | get | The DataTableMapping sent through a DbDataAdapter.Update. Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs. |
Property | Accessor | Description |
Connection | get | The IngresConnection object that is associated with the transaction. Null if the transaction or connection is no longer valid. |
IsolationLevel | get | The IsolationLevel for this transaction as set in the IngresConnection.BeginTransaction method. |
Method | Description |
Commit | Commit the database changes. |
Dispose | Release allocated resources. |
Rollback | Rollback the database changes. |