IngresType | Actian Database Data Type | Description | .NET Data Type |
Binary | byte | Fixed length stream of binary data | Byte[ ] |
Boolean | boolean | Boolean values of true and false | Boolean |
Char | char | Fixed length stream of character data | String |
Date | ansidate | Date data | DateTime |
Time | time | Time data | DateTime |
DateTime | timestamp | Date and time data | DateTime |
IngresDate | ingresdate | Ingres format date | DateTime |
IntervalYearToMonth | interval year to month | Interval year to month | String |
IntervalDayToSecond | interval day to second | Interval day to second | TimeSpan |
Decimal | decimal | Exact numeric data | Decimal |
Double | double precision (float8) | Approximate numeric data | Double |
SmallInt | smallint | Signed 16-bit integer data | Int16 |
TinyInt | integer1 | Signed 8-bit integer data | SByte |
Int | integer | Signed 32-bit integer data | Int32 |
BigInt | bigint | Signed 64-bit integer data | Int64 |
LongVarBinary | long byte | Binary large object | Byte[ ] |
LongVarChar | long varchar | Character large object | String |
LongNVarChar | long nvarchar | Unicode large object | String |
NChar | nchar | Fixed length stream of Unicode data | String |
NVarChar | nvarchar | Variable length stream of Unicode data | String |
Real | real (float4) | Approximate numeric data | Single |
VarBinary | byte varying | Variable length stream of binary data | Byte[ ] |
VarChar | varchar | Variable length stream of character data | String |
DbType | IngresType |
AnsiString | VarChar |
AnsiStringFixedLength | Char |
Binary | VarBinary |
Boolean | Boolean |
Byte | Binary, if supported by the database; otherwise, Char |
Currency | Decimal |
Date | DateTime |
DateTime | DateTime |
Decimal | Decimal |
Double | Double |
Guid | UUID |
Int16 | SmallInt |
Int32 | Int |
Int64 | Decimal |
Object | Not supported |
SByte | TinyInt, if supported by the database; otherwise, SmallInt |
Single | Real |
String | NVarChar , if supported by the database; otherwise, VarChar |
StringFixedLength | NChar, if supported by the database; otherwise, Char |
Time | DateTime |
UInt16 | Int |
UInt32 | Decimal |
UInt64 | Decimal |
VarNumeric | Decimal |