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Display Styles
To display a form in either full-screen or pop-up style, specify the style clause. The style clause overrides the form's style definition specified in VIFRED.
If your form is specified in VIFRED as full screen with a specified screenwidth setting and you display the form as a pop-up, the FRS ignores the screenwidth setting.
The Fullscreen Option
To display a form over the entire screen, specify style = fullscreen. To change the effective screen size of your terminal for the form's display, specify the optional screenwidth clause. Whenever the terminal display width is changed, the FRS clears the screen before changing the width. Changing the screenwidth also changes the size of the menu line.
If you issue a display statement that changes the terminal display width, the change occurs when the form is actually displayed, after the initialize block for the form, if any, is executed. If the display is terminated from the initialize block, no change takes place.
For an explanation of each of the screenwidth options, see the display statement description in Forms Statements.
The Popup Option
To display a form on top of the currently displayed form, specify style = popup. The options parameters specify the position of the pop-up and its border style. To specify the position of a pop-up dynamically at run time, you can use host variables to specify options. (For a complete discussion of the pop-up options, see the display statement description in Forms Statements.)
If you omit the options, runtime defaults override the values specified in VIFRED. By default, the pop-up is displayed with a single-line border, and a location as close as possible to the current field (the field in which the cursor is located when the pop-up is displayed.)
If you display a form as a pop-up whose form definition is fullscreen with a specified screenwidth, the style specified in the display statement overrides the screenwidth option.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024