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Forms Statements
activate Statement--Activate a Section of Code
addform Statement--Declare a Pre-compiled Form
breakdisplay statement--Terminate a Display Loop or Submenu
clear Statement--Clears the Screen or Fields
clearrow Statement--Clear Data from a Field
deleterow Statement--Delete a Row
describe Statement--Retrieve Descriptive Information
display Statement--Initiate Form Display
display submenu Statement--Display a Submenu
enddisplay Statement--Terminate a Display
endforms Statement--Terminate Application Connection
endloop Statement--Terminate a Loop
finalize Statement--Transfer Data
formdata Statement--Loop Through Fields
forminit Statement--Declare a Form
forms Statement--Invoke the FRS
getform Statement--Transfer Data into Program Variables
getoper (function) Statement--Get Comparison Operators
getrow Statement--Get Values from a Row
helpfile Statement--Display Help
help_frs Statement--Include the Ingres Help Facility
Initialize Statement--Initialize a Form
Inittable Statement--Initialize a Table Field
inquire_frs Statement--Retrieve FRS Runtime Information
insertrow Statement--Insert a Row
loadtable Statement--Append a Row of Data
message Statement--Print a Message
printscreen Statement--Copy the Displayed Screen
prompt Statement--Prompt the User for Input
purgetable Statement--Purge Deleted Rows
putform Statement--Transfer Data to the Form
putrow Statement--Update a Table Row
redisplay Statement--Refresh the Screen
resume Statement--Resume the Display Loop
scroll Statement--Perform a Table Field Scroll
set_frs Statement--Set FRS Features
sleep Statement--Suspend Application Execution
submenu Statement--Start a Menu Not Linked to a Form
tabledata Statement--Traverse Columns
unloadtable Statement--Loop Through Rows and Execute Statements
validate Statement--Validate Fields
validrow Statement--Check Column Validity
This chapter describes forms statements. The general syntax for each of these statements is:
[margin] exec frs | ## forms_statement [terminator]
Because the use of a margin and terminator are dependent on your host language, you must consult your host language companion guide for information about these portions of the syntax.
If you are programming in embedded SQL, you must precede forms statements with exec frs; if you are programming in embedded QUEL, you must precede forms statements with ##. The statement syntaxes in this chapter omit these syntax elements. The examples in the chapters in this part use SQL syntax; for examples, QUEL users should see EQUEL/FORMS Examples.
Because the statement terminator is host-language dependent, the formal syntax presented in this chapter does not contain a statement terminator; the examples in each section use a semicolon (;) as a statement terminator.
Many statements require you to specify a field name or column name, or both. In this case you must specify the internal name of the field or table field column as specified in VIFRED. This internal name does not necessarily bear any relationship to the title of the field or column, although the title is displayed with the field on the form.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024