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endforms Statement--Terminate Application Connection
This statement terminates the application's connection with the FRS.
The endforms statement terminates an application's connection with the FRS. Endforms does not clear the terminal screen.
Endforms must be the last forms statement executed in an application. Generally, you must issue the endforms statement when the application is going to terminate. Do not issue the forms and endforms statements more than once in an application.
The forms and endforms statements do not constitute a syntactic block; these statements establish a runtime scope within which you can issue forms statements.
Examples--endforms statement:
Example 1:
Sever the application's connection with the FRS.
exec frs forms;
    ** Forms statements are allowed only
    ** within this block. 
exec frs endforms;
Example 2:
Clear the screen before exiting from the FRS and the database.
exec frs clear screen;
exec frs message 'Exiting application';
exec frs endforms;
exec sql disconnect;
Last modified date: 08/14/2024