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Install ABFdemo
To install your copy of the ABF Demonstration
1. At the operating system prompt, type the following command:
You are prompted for a database name in which to store the Demonstration application.
2. Enter a database name. If a database already exists with the name you specify, you are prompted for another name.
The name of the database is stored in the file iidb_name.txt in the abfdemo subdirectory containing your copy of the application (in your login directory) during the installation procedure.
The installation program loads the database and copies files into the abfdemo subdirectory. The program asks you if you want to start using ABF immediately.
3. Type y and press Return.
The ABF Applications Catalog appears. To use the application, you must compile it.
4. To compile the application, select Go from the menu.
The initial compilation of the application takes several minutes. (Later, as you change modules of the application, only the modules you change are recompiled when you select Go.)
After the compilation is complete, you can use or alter the application. You can modify both the application's sample database and the application itself exactly as if you had created them on your computer.
5. Select the Quit menu item from the ABF menu to return to the operating system.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024