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Setting Field and Column Color
The color of fields and table field columns can be set dynamically by means of the color constant. The syntax for setting the color of fields is:
set_frs field formname
    (color[(fieldname)] = value
    {, color[(fieldname)] = value})
The syntax for setting the color of table field columns is similar:
set_frs column formname tablename
    (color[(columnname)] = value
    {, color[(columnname)] = value})
The form objects can be expressed as string constants, with or without quotes, or as program string variables.
Value must be either an integer in the range of 0 to 7, or the name of an integer variable with a value in that range. The value indicates the color code for the field or column. The color codes can be associated with the color settings for a terminal that supports color by means of the terminal's termcap entry. (See Character-based Querying and Reporting Tools User Guide for details on creating termcap entries.) Ingres comes with predefined termcap entries for the following terminal types that support color, listed in the following table:
Terminal Type
Tektronix 4105
The default color code is 0, indicating a terminal's default foreground color.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024