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The DELETED Row State
An UNCHANGED row that has been deleted by a deleterow statement becomes a DELETED row. Even if the original data was changed sometime earlier (by the user or the program), causing the row's state to temporarily become CHANGED, upon deletion the row's state becomes DELETED, with no indication that the data was previously changed. By default, blank rows inserted using the insertrow statement, begin as UNCHANGED, not NEW, and therefore assume state DELETED if deleted. To assign a state other than UNCHANGED, use the insertrow(_state=value) statement; for details, see the insertrow statement description in Forms Statements.
When you delete an UNDEFINED or NEW row, the row is physically removed from the data set. If you delete a CHANGED or UNCHANGED row, the row is removed from the display, but remains in the data set, and the values in the deleted row can be accessed, but not updated, using the unloadtable statement.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024