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The Edit a Record Attribute Specification Frame
Use the Edit a Record Attribute Specification frame, shown below, to define or edit the attributes that make up a record you have created. Call this frame by selecting the Edit menu operation from the Edit a Record Definition frame.
The fields in this frame contain the information you entered in the Create a Record Attribute Frame.
(Read-only) Specifies the name of the record attribute
Short Remark
(Optional) Provides a brief description
(Required) Specifies the name of any record attribute defined for this application or any Ingres type. The data type entered here determines whether the Nullable or the Array field is active for the attribute.
If Type is an Ingres data type, the Nullable field is active.
If Type is a record type created for the application, the Array field is active.
Indicates whether the record attribute is nullable. Only attributes of an Ingres type can also be nullable. Record types cannot be nullable. The default depends on the application query language: "yes" for SQL and "no" for QUEL.
Indicates whether this attribute is a single record or a dynamic array of records
The remaining fields contain information about when the attribute was created and last modified, and the users who created or modified it.
The following table describes this frame's menu operations:
Reads or edits more information about the record attribute on the Long Remark pop-up frame
Prints the text file containing the 4GL specifications
Displays a list of legal values for the field from which you can choose or field description
Returns to the previous frame without saving changes
Displays help for this frame
Returns to the previous frame. Saves any changes made to the record definition and then returns you to the Edit a Record Definition frame. All field values must be valid before this is allowed.
Edit a Record Attribute
After you create a record attribute, you see the Edit a Record Attribute Specification frame, as shown in the previous figure. The Name field shows the attribute name you entered in the Create a Record Attribute frame.
To edit a record attribute
1. (Optional) Enter a brief description in the Short Remark field. Select LongRemark to enter more details about the attribute on the LongRemark pop-up.
2. In the required Data Type field, enter the name of any record type defined for this application or any
Ingres type.
For help on this field, select the ListChoices menu item. This displays a menu-type list of values from which you can select.
3. Depending on which data type you enter, the next field is either the Array or the Nullable field. For more information, see The Create a Record Attribute Frame.
4. Ensure that all field values are valid. Select End to save the attribute description and exit to the Edit a Record Definition frame.
Compatibility with Future Record Data Types
Future releases of the Ingres DBMS system can include Ingres types whose names conflict with record types previously defined by the user. Ingres allows for this situation by continuing to support previously defined record types.
Whenever a data type can be either a record type or an Ingres data type, Ingres searches the record types first, followed by the data types. However, users cannot define new record types conflicting with new or existing Ingres data types.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024