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The Menuitem Condition
The menuitem condition has the following syntax:
activate menuitem menuname
    [([validate = value] [, activate = value])]
    program code;
When you specify the menuitem condition, the associated program code is executed when the user selects the menu item identified by menuname. Menuname can be a quoted or unquoted character string or a program variable. If the menuname is a reserved word, you must use quotes. Its length cannot exceed the width of the screen minus 15 characters for a user input area. When the form is displayed, menuname appears on the menu line beneath the form.
If the display block contains any activate menuitem or activate frskey statements, you must provide an explicit means for the user to exit from the display loop (for example, a menu item operation containing an enddisplay or a breakdisplay statement). Otherwise, the user is not able to end the form's display. (For more information about terminating a form's display, see Part 4: Embedded Forms Programming.)
Last modified date: 08/14/2024