Configuring Actian X High Availability for Linux
Configuring the OCF Resource Agent with Pacemaker
To provide high availability in a Linux Cluster environment, Actian X provides an Open Cluster Framework (OCF) resource agent script template that treats an Actian X instance, together with the Management Server, as a resource.
You can run a script to make an instance-specific version based on the provided template, and then install it.
To configure the OCF Resource Agent
1. Locate the template named template.ocf in $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/ocf.
2. Source the environment file $II_SYSTEM/ingres/.ingIIsh. (The following example assumes an operating system user ID of actian and an instance ID of II.)
source ~actian/.ingIIsh
3. Run mkocf as root. This creates a version for the specific Actian X instance in the ocf directory. For example, if the instance ID is II, the script would be named ingresII.
4. Use mkocf to install the script:
mkocf -i
The script is copied to the /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat directory and is made executable.
5. To install the script on the other nodes in the cluster, issue:
# mkocf -i -n node2
Note: Steps 3 and 4 can also be done manually.
The script is recognized as a possible resource under Pacemaker:
# pcs resource list | grep ingres
ocf:heartbeat:ingresII - Manages Ingres DBMS instance II
6. Register the script as a managed resource:
# pcs resource create IngresII ocf:heartbeat:ingresII
# pcs resource enable IngresII
The script implements the mandatory actions of start, stop, meta-data, validate-all, and monitor. It also returns an appropriate code for known unimplemented actions such as migrate-to and migrate-from.
Activity is logged to $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/ocf_ra.log. This log “rotates” to a timestamped version, which can be removed, archived, or compressed when the log reaches a maximum number of lines. The maximum number of lines is configured by the ocf_ra_max_log_size configuration parameter, which defaults to 100,000 lines.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024