Log Info Menu Screen
The Log Info Menu screen appears when you select Log_Info from the Main Menu. This screen is the top-level screen for IPM monitoring of the Ingres logging system.
The Log Info menu has the following selections:
Displays the Logging System Summary screen. Information on the logging system is displayed (transactions started and finished, Log I/Os, and other data).
Displays the Logging System Header screen. Information shown includes force abort and log full points and a diagram showing log file usage and percent full.
Displays the Log Process Display screen. This screen contains a list of all processes in the Ingres installation (Ingres DBMS Server(s) and archiver and recovery processes).
Displays the Log Database Display screen. This screen contains a list of all databases currently in the logging system.
Displays the Log Transaction Display screen. This screen contains a list of all transactions currently in the logging system.
Queries the logging system for logging information. Process, database, and transaction information are obtained together to ensure a consistent snapshot of the logging system.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024