QUEL Reference Guide
QUEL Reference Guide
QUEL and EQUEL Statements
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QUEL and EQUEL Statements
QUEL Release
Statement Context
Ingres Forms Statements
ABORT--Undo an MQT
APPEND--Add a Table Row
CALL--Call an Ingres Tool or the Operating System
CLOSE CURSOR--Close an Open Cursor
COPY--Copy Data
CREATE--Create a Table
DECLARE CURSOR--Declare a Cursor
DEFINE INTEGRITY--Define Integrity Constraints
DEFINE PERMIT--Add Table Permissions
DEFINE VIEW--Define Virtual Tables
DELETE--Delete Rows
DELETE CURSOR--Delete Cursor Row
DESTROY--Destroy Tables, Views, Permissions, Integrities
ENDRETRIEVE--Terminate a Retrieve Loop
EXIT--Terminate Database Access
HELP--Display Help
INCLUDE--Include an External File
INDEX--Index a Table
INGRES--Connect to a Database
INQUIRE_INGRES--Get Diagnostic Information
MODIFY--Change Table or Index Properties
OPEN CURSOR--Open a Cursor
PRINT--Print Tables
RANGE--Associate Range Variables with Tables
RELOCATE--Relocate Tables
REPLACE--Replace Column Values
REPLACE CURSOR--Update Column Values in a Table Row
RETRIEVE--Retrieve Table Rows
RETRIEVE CURSOR--Retrieve Data into Host Variables
SAVE--Save Table Until Date
SAVEPOINT--Declare Marker in an MQT
SET--Set Session Options
SET_INGRES--Enable or Disable Runtime Attributes
This chapter lists Ingres QUEL and EQUEL statements in alphabetical order.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024
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