QUEL Reference Guide > QUEL Reference Guide > QUEL and EQUEL Statements > SET_INGRES--Enable or Disable Runtime Attributes
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SET_INGRES--Enable or Disable Runtime Attributes
Valid in: EQUEL
Enables or disables various runtime attributes.
This statement has the following format:
## set_ingres (object = value {object = value})
The set_ingres statement allows your application program to:
Enable or disable debugging features
Specify the number of rows the DBMS Server prefetches when retrieving rows using cursors
Specify whether the DBMS Server aborts or continues a session when certain errors occur
The set_ingres statement overrides any settings of II_EMBED_SET. For more information about II_EMBED_SET, see the System Administrator Guide. You must terminate the set_ingres statement according to the rules of your host language.
The following are valid parameters for the set_ingres statement (SQL-specific parameters are omitted):
Integer. Specifies the number of rows the DBMS Server prefetches when retrieving data using cursors. Valid arguments are:
(Default) the DBMS Server determines the number of rows to prefetch
Disables prefetching; each row is fetched individually
(Positive integer) Specifies the number of rows the DBMS Server prefetches
Integer. Turns the printqry debugging feature on or off. As the application executes, printqry prints query text and timing information to the file "iiprtqry.log" in the current directory. Specify 1 to turn printqry on, 0 to turn printqry off.
String. Specifies an alternate text file to which the DBMS Server writes query information. The default filename is "iiprtqry.log". To enable this feature, use the set_ingres printqry option.
If you omit a directory or path specification, the file is created in the current default directory.
Integer. Turns the printgca debugging feature on or off. As the application executes, printgca prints communications messages to the file "iiprintgca.log" in the current directory. Settings are:
Turns printgca on
Turns printgca off
String. Specifies an alternate text file to which the DBMS Server writes GCA information. The default filename is "iiprtgca.log". To enable this feature, use the set_ingres printgca option.
If you omit a directory or path specification, the file is created in the current default directory.
Integer. Enables or disables trapping of DBMS Server trace messages to a text file (iiprttrc.log, in the current directory). Settings are:
Enables trapping of trace output
Disables trapping
String. Specifies an alternate text file to which the DBMS Server writes tracepoint information. The default filename is "iiprttrc.log". To enable this feature, use the set_ingres printtrace option.
If you omit a directory or path specification, the file is created in the current default directory.
Integer. Specifies whether the session aborts on the following errors:
An application issues a query but is not connected to a database
The DBMS Server fails
Communications services fail
Specifies to abort on any of the previous conditions
Specifies to continue after any of the previous conditions
Integer. Enables or disables saving of the text of the last query issued. Specify 1 to enable, 0 to disable. To obtain the text of the last query, you must issue the inquire_ingres(query=querytext) statement. To determine whether saving is enabled, use the inquire_ingres(status=savequery) statement.
Integer. Sets the value of the error return variable errorno.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024