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Informix (ODBC 3.x)
Informix SQL databases such as Informix Online can be reached using ODBC 3.x. See ODBC 3.x.
See Also
Note:  The integration platform connects to Informix tables with ODBC 3.x. For the procedure, and information about the property options, and source and target schemas, see ODBC 3.x.
Connector-Specific Notes
If you attempt to connect to an Informix database in the SQL Query Builder, you receive a Microsoft run time error:
Run-time error [Informix][Informix ODBC Driver][Informix]Environment variable INFORMIXSERVER must be set. [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed.
Solution: Use the Microsoft OLEDB provider for ODBC drivers for the connection to Informix. Then use this connection in the SQL Query Builder.
Last modified date: 08/02/2023