Release Summary > Release Notes for DataConnect 12.2 > What's New in DataConnect 12.2
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What's New in DataConnect 12.2
The following table provides the Actian DataConnect release version and its details.
Release Version
Fifth patch release for DataConnect 12.2. This release contains important bug fixes. See Change Log for 12.2 (Build Number 12.2.0-65)
Fourth patch release for DataConnect 12.2. This release contains important bug fixes. See Change Log for 12.2 (Build Number 12.2.0-58)
Third patch release for DataConnect 12.2. This release contains important bug fixes. See Change Log for 12.2 (Build Number 12.2.0-42)
Second patch release for DataConnect 12.2. This release contains important bug fixes. See Change Log for 12.2 (Build Number 12.2.0-30)
First patch release for DataConnect 12.2. This release contains important bug fixes. See Change Log for 12.2 (Build Number 12.2.0-29)
First release for DataConnect 12.2. See Change Log for 12.2 (Build Number 12.2.0-21).
The following table provides information about the new features and enhancements that are a part of this release.
New Feature/Enhancement
Process Designer
Several enhancements were made to Process Designer:
A GetMessage property was added for the Zip Aggregator so that users no longer have to write script in a separate step to write the output zip file to disk. See Zip Aggregator 2.0.
SNIP 3 validation was added for the EDI 999 Validator. See EDI 999 Validator.
The Zip Invoker has been enhanced so that you can now specify which directories and sub-directories are included. See Zip Invoker.
A new property was added to the File Transfer Aggregator, Aggregate with Common Header, which aggregates all file pieces with common headers into a single file with the same header. See File Transfer Aggregator.
The Queue step can now read multiple messages using a loop. See Queue Step.
A timeout option was added to the REST API Invoker. See REST API Invoker 3.x.
Several enhancements were made to UX:
A new preference was added, Clear log file before run, under DataConnect Execution for specifying which log file data you want to retain before executing a map, process or data profile. See Setting Logging Preferences.
A new preference, Clear messages after run, was added under DataConnect Execution for specifying whether an object and its value persist after execution. See Setting Logging Preferences.
Browse button start location is now governed by general rules. See General Browse Rules.
A troubleshooting feature was added for maps, profiles, and processes. See Troubleshooting DataConnect.
EZscript Editor
Several enhancements and improvements were made to EZscript Editor:
New EZscript debugger enables debugging EZscript expressions within Map Designer and Process Designer. See Script Debugging.
Improvements were made to accessing and viewing large values that have been assigned to a variable or message object. See Script Debugging.
A new usebackingstore parameter was added to the FileRead, FileWrite, and FileAppend EZscript functions.
The following connectors were added:
Data Profiler
Several enhancements and improvements were made to Data Profiler:
Troubleshooting enhancements were made in the Results tab for Data Profiler.
A new In Range rules metric for Date, Timestamp, Numeric, Double, Float, Long, and Integer data types was added. This metric returns values that are within a specified range. See In Range.
Context Help was added for the Data Profiler preference Settings page and the Editor page.
Integration Manager
Connectivity to Integration Manager was added, and the ability to view, import, edit, and redeploy Integration Manager configurations. See Viewing Integration Manager Configurations, Adding an Integration Manager Connection, Importing Configurations into a Workspace, Editing Configurations, and Redeploying to Integration Manager.
Moved AIX engine build back to native compiler xlclang.
Upgraded Google Protocol Buffers to 3.21.12.
Updated Java on Windows and Linux to the latest patch of Adoptium Temurin JDK 11.0.19+7.
Updated Java on AIX to OpenJDK 11.0.19+7.
Added the JDWP module to the JRE distribution of DataConnect.
Upgraded log4j 2.17.0. to log4j 2.18.0.
Upgraded DataFlow library from 8.0.0-97 to 8.0.1-124.
Upgraded netty-codec library from 4.1.68 to 4.1.86.
The commons-beanutils library was upgraded from 1.6 to v1.9.4.
The bcprov-jdk15on library was upgraded from 1.65.0 to 1.67.0.
The Derby library was updated to
Last modified date: 07/26/2024