Adding or Removing Bookmarks
You can add bookmarks to any line in the EZscript Editor so that you can reopen the file for editing at any time by double-clicking the bookmark in the Bookmarks view.
Note: Bookmarks are not applicable for the Expressions Window (that is, when the EZscript is opened from a map).
To add a bookmark
1. Right-click in the gray border at the left of the editor before the line of code or text that you want to bookmark and click Add Bookmark.
The Add Bookmark dialog is displayed.
2. Type a name for the bookmark and click OK.
A bookmark is added before the line of code or text in the editor.
3. To view all the bookmarks in the file, click Window > Show View.
The Show View window is displayed.
4. Expand General, click Bookmarks, and click OK.
The Bookmarks tab displays the bookmarks in the file.
5. To remove bookmarks, right-click on the bookmark that you want to remove and click Remove Bookmark.
The bookmark is removed from the editor and the Bookmarks tab.
For more information about bookmarks, see the Eclipse Help documentation.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025