User Guide > Scripting > Exploring EZscript Expressions Window
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Exploring EZscript Expressions Window
The following table describes the components of the EZScript Expressions window.
Contains the options to manage, edit, and validate the script.
The following options are available:
/download/attachments/24976278/image2016-9-30%2015%3A59%3A45.png?version=1&modificationDate=1488143149966&api=v2 Save - Save the script file. You can also press Ctrl+S to save the file.
/download/attachments/24976278/Validate_script.png?version=1&modificationDate=1488143150278&api=v2 Validate - Validate the script. A confirmation message is displayed after the script is validated successfully.
Validate checks for proper syntax only. Your expression logic is validated at run-time, not when validating with Script Editor. This means that if you try to pass a function that is not supported, the error is displayed. If you add an unsupported function to a script, the error is written to the log.
/download/attachments/24976278/image2016-9-30%2016%3A0%3A9.png?version=1&modificationDate=1488143149950&api=v2 Cut - Remove and copy the selected portion of the file.
/download/attachments/24976278/image2016-9-30%2016%3A0%3A27.png?version=1&modificationDate=1488143149981&api=v2 Copy - Copy the selected portion of the file.
/download/attachments/24976278/image2016-9-30%2016%3A0%3A45.png?version=1&modificationDate=1488143149950&api=v2 Paste - Paste the portion of the file that was copied.
/download/attachments/24976278/image2016-9-30%2016%3A1%3A30.png?version=1&modificationDate=1488143150153&api=v2 Find - Search for specific text within the file or search and replace the text within the file.
/download/attachments/24976278/image2016-9-30%2016%3A1%3A57.png?version=1&modificationDate=1488143149997&api=v2 Undo - Undo the last action
/download/attachments/24976278/image2016-9-30%2016%3A2%3A19.png?version=1&modificationDate=1488143150231&api=v2 Redo - Redo the last action
/download/attachments/24976278/image2016-9-30%2016%3A2%3A37.png?version=1&modificationDate=1488143150200&api=v2 Operators - Insert operators to the expression at the cursor position. If you select the text in the expression area and then select the operator, the text is overwritten. The following image shows the available operators.
/download/attachments/24976278/image2016-9-30%2016%3A2%3A47.png?version=1&modificationDate=1488143150215&api=v2 Hide Controls - Hide or show the Parameters and Problems tab.
/download/attachments/24976278/CodeAssist_script.png?version=1&modificationDate=1488143149934&api=v2 Content assist (CTRL+Space) - Directs you to use <Crtl>+<spacebar> keys to trigger Content Assist.
Expression area
Type the expression in this area. You can use Content Assist to add expressions. For more information, see Using Content Assist.
It contains a list of parameters that are grouped based on the following nodes:
Steps - Displayed only when you open the EZscript Editor from a process file that contains the steps)
Global Variables - Displayed only when you open the EZscript Editor from a process file or a map file that contains global variables)
User-defined Functions - Displayed only when you open EZscript Editor from process file or map file that contains user-defined functions. It displays every function contained in any EZScript Library file that is defined in the Configuration tab for process or map.
Flow Control
Objects - Displayed when you open EZscript Editor from process, map, or schema file.
Macros - Displayed only when you open EZscript Editor from process, map, or schema file. It displays all the macro sets. Each macro set contains macros.
Click the plus sign to expand the group name and view the parameters that belongs to a group.
When you click on any of the parameters in the tree view, the respective details appear in the Details section in the right side of the tree view.
When you double-click on a parameter name, it is added to the editor.
You can also search a parameter by typing the parameter name in the Search field.
Note:  When performing a search, the search results removes all content that is not related to the keyword that was searched. The search expands the nodes and highlights the words that matches the search criteria inside the nodes but removes other content. The nodes that do not contain the words that match the search criteria are empty.
To view all the content, you must remove the search criteria from the search text box.
When you validate the script, the Problems tab displays the errors and warnings (if any).
Double-click on the error or the warning or right-click and click Go to. The location of the error or the warning is displayed in the file.
Note:  By default, the Problems tab is always blank.
Right-click menu options
You can perform any of the following when you right-click on the editor:
Undo - Undo the last action.
Redo - Redo the action in case you performed an undo.
Find/Replace - Perform a search within the expression or perform find and replace text. The text that you searched is highlighted.
Comment Out - Using the mouse, select the lines of EZScript you want to comment out. The characters /* and */ are inserted at the beginning and end of the selected lines.
Un-comment Out - Right-click anywhere in the block of EZScript code that is commented out and select this option. The characters /* and */ are removed from the beginning and end of the selected block and makes the code active again.
Validate Script - Validate the script expressions.
Operators - Insert operators to the expression at the cursor position.
Bookmarks - See Adding or Removing Bookmarks.
Show/Hide Script Assist - Show or hide the Code Assist pop-up dialog.
Show/Hide Bottom Tabs - Show or hide the bottom tabs
Last modified date: 01/03/2025