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Data Profiler Invoker
The Data Profiler Invoker component allows users to reference and execute an existing Data Profile (.dp file extension) within a Process work flow. The input and output from the referenced Profile can be overridden if desired using the Action Properties or DJMessage properties.
When a process is packaged into a .djar file, the datasets and .dp files referenced in the step are automatically added to the package.
Note:  The Data Profiler Invoker is not supported on AIX.
Data Profiler Invoker Properties
Property Name
JVM Args
(Optional) Users can set and pass arguments to the JVM while launching the Data Profiler Engine.
Additional Classpath
(Optional) This property can be used to extend the functionality of the DataFlow libraries used by the Data Profiler Engine. If used, there may be conflict with the Engine runtime resulting in undesired behavior.
Supported Actions
Executes the referenced Data Profile and applies any defined Execute Action Properties.
Supported Action Parameters
The SourceMessage and TargetMessage Parameters reference DJMessage objects. New DJMessage objects can be created by clicking the text box in either the SourceMessage or TargetMessage text box, then clicking the drop-down arrow to expose a menu. Select Add New DJMessage from the menu to open the DJMessage Variable wizard.
While not required, the SourceMessage Parameter can be used to set the value of the Data Profiler Invoker Action Properties. Setting the Action Properties for a component is most commonly performed in a Script Step. For examples, see Additional Information.
While not required, the TargetMessage Parameter can be used to load the body of the DJMessage with the content of the STATS_TARGET data from the referenced profile.
Supported Action Properties
Property Name
Profile File
(Required) This property specifies which Data Profile to execute. The file extension of a Data Profile is .dp
Source Dataset
(Optional) This property allows users to override the Source Dataset configured in the Data Profile when executed via the Data Profiler Invoker. The input for this property is the path and file name (macros are supported) of an alternative dataset. The schemas from the original dataset (specified in the Data Profile) and the dataset provided in this property must match. The dataset consists of the connector name, connector properties, connection information, and schema and can be found in the UDConnections folder in your workspace. For additional information on how to create a User Defined Connection, see Saving and Reusing a Connection.
Statistics Only
(Optional) When set to TRUE, only the STATS_TARGET will be generated when the profile is executed. When enabled, this property will remove all other properties related to the targets of the Data Profile from the property grid.
Pass Target Dataset
(Optional) This property allows users to override the PASS_TARGET Dataset configured in the Data Profile when executed via the Data Profiler Invoker. The input for this property is the path and file name (macros are supported) of an alternative dataset. The schemas from the original dataset (specified in the Data Profile) and the dataset provided in this property must match. The dataset consists of the connector name, connector properties, connection information, and schema and can be found in the UDConnections folder in your workspace. For additional information on how to create a User Defined Connection, see Saving and Reusing a Connection.
Fail Target Dataset
(Optional) This property allows users to override the FAIL_TARGET Dataset configured in the Data Profile when executed via the Data Profiler Invoker. The input for this property is the path and file name (macros are supported) of an alternative dataset. The schemas from the original dataset (specified in the Data Profile) and the dataset provided in this property must match. The dataset consists of the connector name, connector properties, connection information, and schema and can be found in the UDConnections folder in your workspace. For additional information on how to create a User Defined Connection, see Saving and Reusing a Connection.
Drilldown File
(Optional) Allows users to override the path and file name of the DRILLDOWN_TARGET from the referenced Data Profile. Macros are supported.
Statistics File
(Optional) Allows users to override the path and file name of the STATS_TARGET from the referenced Data Profile. Macros are supported.
Additional Information
If desired, the Execute Action Properties associated with the Data Profiler Invoker can be overridden using the SourceMessage Parameter (DJMessage). If a property is set using the SourceMessage Parameter, it will supersede any other values for that property that may be set in the Invoker component or the Data Profile.
Here is an example on how to set the Profile File property using a SourceMessage Parameter:
SourceMessage Parameter = mySrcMsg
Place a Script Step on the canvas and ensure that it precedes the Data Profiler Invoker step. Enter the following in the Script step:
mySrcMsg.Properties("profileFile") = "C:\mypath\myprofilename.dp"
The table below provides the component property and corresponding message property name needed for SourceMessage Parameter overrides.
Component Properties
Message Property Name
Profile File
Specifies the profile specification to execute.
Source Dataset
Set the source dataset. This will override the dataset configured in the profile.
Statistics Only
If set to TRUE, targets will not be produced and only statistics file will be generated. Default is FALSE. If the fail is set to TRUE, then Pass Target Dataset, Fail Target Dataset and Drilldown File options will be hidden and vice versa.
Pass Target Dataset
Set the dataset for the pass target. This will override the dataset configured in the profile.
Fail Target Dataset
Set the dataset for the fail target. This will override the dataset configured in the profile.
Drilldown File
Set the drilldown file. This will override the file configuredin the profile.
Statistics File
Set the statistics file. This will override the file configured in the profile.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025