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OAuth 2.0 Invoker
The OAuth 2.0 Invoker component enables OAuth Authorization using an invoker which inserts an access token into a DJMessage body within a Process workflow. This feature relieves the user from having to manually retrieve an access token.
The OAuth 2.0 Invoker supports the following Grant Types: Client Credentials Grant, Password Credentials Grant and Refresh Token.
Property Name
Authorization Server URL
The host URL for requesting OAuth Authorization.
Authorization Grant Type
The Grant Type to use for OAuth Authorization. Options available are:
Client Credentials Grant - This option requires a Client ID and Client Secret.
Password Credentials Grant - This option requires a Username and Password.
Refresh Token - This option requires a Refresh Token.
Credentials in Request Body
Specifies whether client credentials are sent in the request body, or through a Basic Auth header. By default, credentials are sent through a Basic Auth header.
TRUE: Credentials are sent through the request body.
FALSE (default): Credentials are sent through a Basic Auth Header.
Client ID
The Client ID associated with the resource owner.
Client Secret
The Client Secret associated with the resource owner.
The scope to be set for OAuth Authorization.
User ID to access the resource.
Password to access the resource.
Refresh Token
ID which provides user with a new access token when their current token expires.
Supported Actions and Parameters
Executes the supported properties to perform authentication. The server response will be returned in the Target DJMessage.
Set this parameter to write the server response to a target DJMessage.
Note:  After a successful request, the access token can be found under DJMOUT.AccessToken, along with other server response properties under DJMOUT.PropertyNames(n).
Error Codes
Invalid error
Error by Server while requesting access token.
License error
The OAuth 2.0 Invoker is not licensed or has an expired license.
Last modified date: 12/03/2024