Property Name | Description |
Name | Displays the default name of the target. To change the name, click within the text box and type the required name. The updated file name is displayed in the Select Target drop down list and Map Navigator. |
Description | Type a description for the target. |
Properties | The property is Schema Mismatch. Select the required value: • Treat as Error (default value) • Use Map Schema • Use Connection, Match by Position • Use Connection, Match by Name See Also: |
Connector Part | Description |
Server | The server name or the IP address. |
Target File/URI | Click Browse and specify the target file or URI. For information about URI, see URI Connections. You can also right-click, select Paste macro and choose a macro. Note: You cannot paste workspace-level and project-level macro sets and macros. You can only paste local macros that are specific to a map or process. |
Target File | Click Browse and specify the target file. |
Owner | Specify the owner. |
Database Directory | Name of the database directory. |
Target Database | Name of the target database. |
User ID | User ID to connect to the target database. |
Password | Password to connect to the target database. Note: While passwords are masked in the UI, they are stored as plain text. They can be viewed when the artifact is opened in a text or JSON Editor. Hence, it is recommended to use encrypted macros for all passwords in Actian DataConnect. |
Target Table | Name of the table in the target database or name of the new table that you want to create. Enter a table name if you want to create a new table (make sure to add a TransformationStarted/"Create Table" Event/Action on Configuration Map Event) |
Target Table/View | Select the table name or the view |
Database | Name of the database on the server. |
File | Displayed for connectors where data resides in files. |
Sheet | Displayed for excel connectors. |
Target Data Source | ODBC Data Source Name. |
Web Service URL | URL of the CRM web service. |
Organization | Predefined organization that can access Microsoft Dynamic CRM data. |
Member | Member of the selected file in SAS Transport Format connector. |
Target Database Alias | Database (alias) name. |
System Name | Name of the Pivotal system. |
System URL | URL of the Pivotal system. |
HTTP User ID | User ID to the Pivotal CRM system. |
HTTP Password | Password to the Pivotal CRM system. |
Schema Selector | Provides a list of target tables you can use to define a schema. |
Output mode | The target connector might have one or more of the following options. Select one of the following: • Replace • Append • Delete And Append • Multimode For information about these modes, see Target Output Modes. |
Access Token | Provides access to HubSpot. |