Performing Data Analysis
Dataflow Analytics Operators
The Dataflow operator library contains several pre-built analytics operators. This section covers each of those operators and provides details on how to use them.
Covered Analytics Operations
Association Rule Mining
Association Rule Mining within DataFlow
Association Rule Mining (ARM) is an unsupervised learning technique for finding relationships of items contained within transactions. ARM is typically applied to sales transactions where transactions contain line items. Each line item provides a transaction identifier and an item identifier. ARM uses this relationship (transaction to item) to find relationships between sets of items. The two main results of ARM are frequent item sets and association rules.
Frequent item sets capture sets of items that are considered frequent along with some statistics about the sets. Item and item sets are considered frequent if they meet a minimum support threshold. The minimum support is usually quantified as a percentage of transactions within a data set. For example, setting the minimum support to 5% implies that an item is only frequent if it appears in 5% of the transactions within a data set. If a data set contains 5 million transactions (unique transactions, not just records), then an item must appear in at least 250,000 transactions to be considered frequent.
Item sets can have a cardinality of 1 (meaning one item per set) up to a maximum value, usually denoted as k. Frequent item sets are useful in finding sets of items that appear together in transactions and may be opportunities for up-sell and cross-sell activities.
Association rules are another result of ARM. Association rules provide information about frequent item sets and how they interact with each other. From association rules, it can be determined how the presence of one set of items within a transaction influences the presence of another set of items. The rules consist of:
Specifies the frequent item set driving the rule (antecedent implies consequent)
Specifies the frequent items included in a transaction due to the antecedent
Specifies the confidence of a rule, defined as:
Confidence(Antecedent => Consequent) = Support(Antecedent U Consequent) / Support(Antecedent)
A confidence of 25% implies that the rule is correct for 25% of the transactions containing the antecedent items. The higher the confidence value, the higher the strength of the rule.
Specifies the lift of a rule, defined as:
Lift(Antecedent => Consequent) = Support(Antecedent U Consequent) / (Support(Antecedent) * Support(Consequent))
Lift provides a ratio of the support of the item sets to that expected if the item sets were independent of each other. A higher lift value indicates the two item sets are dependent on each other, implying the rule is valid. In general, the confidence measurement alone cannot be used when considering the validity of a rule. A rule can have high confidence but a low lift, implying the rule may not be useful.
Specifies the ratio of the number of transactions where the antecedent and consequent are present to the total number of transactions.
DataFlow provides operators for calculating the frequent items and the association rules. If only the frequent items are wanted, use the
FrequentItems operator. For a combination of the frequent items and association rules, use the
FPGrowth operator.
Using the ConvertARMModel Operator to Convert Association Models from PMML can be used to convert an association PMML model into other formats.
Covered ARM Operators
Using the FrequentItems Operator to Compute Item Frequency
FrequentItems operator computes the frequency of items within the given transactions. Two fields are needed in the input flow: one to identify transactions and another to identify items.
A minimum support value must also be specified as a percentage of the transactions an item must participate in to be considered frequent. Setting this value’s threshold lower will typically return more data. An optional label field may also be specified that will be used for display purposes instead of the transaction identifiers.
The main output of this operator is the set of frequent items. Two fields are contained in the output: the item field from the input and the frequency count of the items that are above the minimum support value.
The operator also outputs a PMML port that contains an association model. The model will be partially filled in with frequent items and transaction statistics.
Code Example
In this example we are using a movie ratings data set to determine which movies have been rated by at least 40% of the users.
Using the FrequentItems operator in Java
// Create frequent items operator with minimum support set to 40%
FrequentItems freqItems = graph.add(new FrequentItems("userID", "movieID", 0.4D));
The following example demonstrates using the operator in RushScript. Note that the operator has two output ports: the frequent items and a PMML model. Access the returned data set container variable with the port names to access a specific port.
Using the FrequentItems operator in RushScript
var freqItem = dr.frequentItems(data, {txnFieldName:'userID', itemFieldName:'movieID', minSupport:0.4});
FrequentItems operator provides the following properties.
FrequentItems operator provides a single input port.
FrequentItems operator provides the following output ports.
Using the FPGrowth Operator to Determine Frequent Pattern Growth
FPGrowth operator implements the FP-growth algorithm, creating a PMML model that contains generated item sets and association rules. The FP-growth algorithm is optimized to require only two passes over the input data. Other ARM algorithms such as apriori require many passes over the data.
The input data is required to have two fields: a transaction identifier and an item identifier. The transaction identifier discriminates transactions. The item identifier indicates items within transactions.
Transactions are assumed to be in line item order (one input record per item in a transaction). Transactions records are also assumed to be contiguous. An optional label field may also be specified that will be used for display purposes instead of the transaction identifiers.
The operator has two outputs: the frequent item sets and a PMML model. The frequent item sets are output in pivoted form with a set identifier and one item per row. The output model is a PMML-based association model. The model contains frequent items, frequent item sets, and association rules.
Code Example
In this example, the BPM sample data is read and used as input into the
FPGrowth operator. Downstream from the
FPGrowth operator, the PMML model is persisted to a local file. The PMML model contains the frequent items, frequent item sets, association rules, and various metrics about the model.
Using the FPGrowth operator in Java
// Create the FP-Growth operator.
FPGrowth fpgrowth = graph.add(new FPGrowth());
fpgrowth.setTxnFieldName("txnID"); // field containing transaction ID
fpgrowth.setItemFieldName("itemID"); // field containing item ID
fpgrowth.setMinSupport(0.02); // min support for frequent items
fpgrowth.setMinConfidence(0.2); // min confidence for rules
fpgrowth.setK(2); // highest cardinality of item sets wanted
fpgrowth.setAnnotationText("This is an ARM model built using DataFlow");
Using the FPGrowth operator in RushScript
var model = dr.fpgrowth(data, {
annotationText:'This is an ARM model built using DataFlow'
FPGrowth operator provides the following properties.
FPGrowth operator provides a single input port.
FPGrowth operator provides two output ports.
Using the ConvertARMModel Operator to Convert Association Models from PMML
ConvertARMModel operator converts a PMML model created by
Using the FPGrowth Operator to Determine Frequent Pattern Growth into other formats. PMML is a standard format for data mining models developed by the
DMG organization.
The operator currently supports the output format:
GEXF. This format is a standard that is accepted by many graph visualization tools. GEXF was originally developed for the open source
Gephi tool. The format is also supported by other visualization tools.
When converting into the GEXF format, the frequent item sets of the PMML model are used. Each frequent item is added as a node in the graph. Attributes are added to each node indicating the support metric for the item.
Each relationship between items is added as an edge. Edges are weighted by how many times items are found in frequent item sets together. After the GEXF file is created, the Gephi tool can be launched to visualize the results. The Gephi tool is not included as part of DataFlow. You can download it from
A path name is required to specify where to persist the converted model. When executed, the operator applies the specified conversion of the input PMML model into the specified format. The results are written to the specified file. If the file exists already, it will be overwritten.
Code Examples
Using the ConvertARMModel operator in Java
// Create converter and set properties.
ConvertARMModel converter = graph.add(new ConvertARMModel());
// Connect FP-Growth learner model output with converter input
graph.connect(learner.getOutput(), converter.getInput());
Using the ConvertARMModel operator in RushScript
dr.convertARMModel(model, {conversionType:'GEXF', target:'/path/to/output/results.gexf'});
ConvertARMModel operator has the following properties.
ConvertARMModel operator provides a single input port.
ConvertARMModel operator has no output ports.
Cluster Analysis
Cluster analysis includes techniques for grouping entities based on their characteristics as well as describing the resulting groups also known as clusters. This is done by applying cluster algorithms to attributes of entities that make them similar. The goal is to create clusters such that entities that belong to the same cluster are similar with regard to the relevant attributes, but entities from two different clusters are dissimilar.
Cluster analysis is a common task in data mining as well as statistical data analysis. It helps to organize observed data and build taxonomies.
Covered Clustering Operators
Using the KMeans Operator to Compute K-Means
KMeans operator performs k-means computation for the given input. All included fields in the given input must be of type double. The k-means algorithm chooses a random
k data points as the initial centroids. Computation ends when one of the following conditions is true:
• MaxIterations is exceeded.
• For each centroid, there is no significant difference from the corresponding centroid from the previous iteration when compared with the configured quality.
Code Example
The following example demonstrates computing the clusters for the Iris data set using k-means. The input data contains 4 numeric fields but only 3 are used and so must be explicitly specified.
Using the KMeans operator in Java
// Run k-means to create cluster assignments
KMeans kmeans = graph.add(new KMeans());
kmeans.setIncludedColumns(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"sepal length", "sepal width", "petal length"}));
Using the KMeans operator in RushScript
var results = dr.kmeans(data, {
includedColumns:['sepal length', 'sepal width', 'petal length']});
KMeans operator provides the following properties.
KMeans operator provides a single input port.
KMeans operator provides the following output port.
Using the ClusterPredictor Operator for Cluster Predicting
ClusterPredictor operator assigns input data to clusters based on the provided PMML clustering model. The explicit cluster IDs will be used for the assignment if the model provides any. Otherwise, the implicit 1-based index, indicating the position in which each cluster appears in the model will be used as ID.
The input data must contain the same fields as the training data that was used to build the model (in the PMML model: clustering fields with the attribute "isCenterField" set to "true") and these fields must be of type double, float, long, or int. The resulting assignments will be part of the output alongside with the original input data.
Code Example
Using the ClusterPredictor operator in Java
// Create the cluster predictor operator and add it to a graph
ClusterPredictor predictor = graph.add(new ClusterPredictor());
// Set the name of the field containing the cluster assignments
// Connect the predictor to an input data and model source
graph.connect(dataSource.getOutput(), predictor.getInput());
graph.connect(modelSource.getOutput(), predictor.getModel());
// The output of the predictor is available for downstream operators to use
Using the ClusterPredictor operator in RushScript
// Apply a clustering model to the given data
var results = dr.clusterPredictor(model, data, {winnerFieldName:"label"});
ClusterPredictor operator provides the following properties.
ClusterPredictor operator provides the following input ports.
ClusterPredictor operator provides a single output port.
Decision Trees
Decision Tree Learning within DataFlow
Decision tree learning is a method that uses inductive inference to approximate a target function, which will produce discrete values.
Decision trees, also referred to as classification trees or regression trees, can be used in decision analysis to visually and explicitly represent decisions and decision making. It is generally best suited to problems where the instances are represented by attribute-value pairs. Also, if each attribute has a small number of distinct values, it is easier for the decision tree to reach a useful solution. A decision tree learner will produce a model that consists of an arrangement of tests that provide an appropriate classification for an instance of data at every step in an analysis.
The decision tree implemented in DataFlow is a classification tree. A classification tree can be used to classify a particular instance by sorting them down the tree from the root node to some leaf node, which then provides the classification of the instance.
Each node in the tree specifies a test of some attribute of the instance, and each branch descending from that node corresponds to one of the possible values for this attribute.
An instance in a specific data set is classified by starting at the root node of the tree, testing the attribute specified by this node, and then moving down the branch corresponding to the value of the attribute. This process is then repeated at the node on this branch and so on until a leaf node is reached and the instance can be classified.
DataFlow provides operators to produce and use decision tree models. The learner is used to determine the classification rules for a particular data set while the predictor can apply these rules to a data set. There is also an operator that can be used to prune a decision tree when the model provided is overly complex and does not generalize the data well.
Covered Decision Tree Operators
Using the DecisionTreeLearner Operator to Construct a Decision Tree PMML Model
DecisionTreeLearner is the operator responsible for constructing a decision tree PMML model. The implementation is based primarily on Ross Quinlan’s book,
C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning. Quinlan’s C4.5 implementation (and this implementation) have the following key features and limitations:
• Supports both numerical and categorical attributes
• Supports only categorical predictions
• Uses Information Gain/Gain Ratio as the measure of quality
• Missing value handling is done using fractional cases. This corresponds to the PMML "aggregateNodes" missing value strategy.
The following are differences between this implementation and Quinlan’s C4.5 implementation:
• Parallel/distributed implementation
• Scales to data sets that are too large for memory
• Does not support C4.5 rule generation. C4.5 is a software distribution that includes several executables. Our primary focus is the decision tree itself.
• Does not support "sub-tree raising" as part of the pruning strategy. This adds substantial processing time and is of arguable benefit.
• Currently limited to single-tree; there is no support for automatic cross-validation and tree selection
Implementation, from a scaling and parallelism standpoint, is based on the following papers:
Memory Requirements
At a minimum, we require 13 bytes of RAM per row of data in order to support the row mapping data structure. This is distributed throughout the cluster, so if we have 10 nodes in the cluster and 100 million rows of data, we require 13*100 million/10 = 130 MB of RAM per node.
If the data set contains null values, this minimum memory requirement may be larger, as we require an extra n*12+12 bytes of bookkeeping for each row that must be split between children nodes where n is the number of children of the split.
If the inMemoryDataset option is used, the memory requirements are much larger as the attribute tables must be kept in memory. Attribute tables require roughly 32 bytes per row, per attribute. In addition, whenever attributes are split we require working space for the split, so the number of attributes+1 must be calculated. Finally, unknown(null) values may impact the memory sizes since splitting on an unknown value requires adding the row in question to both of the children nodes. Note that attribute tables are distributed throughout the cluster, so memory requirements for attributes do scale out in the same way as for the row mapping structure mentioned above.
Code Example
The following example demonstrates using the
DecisionTreeLearner operator to train a predictive model using the "class" column as the target variable. The decision tree learner produces a PMML model that can be persisted. The generated PMML model can be used with the
DecisionTreePredictor to predict target values.
Using the DecisionTreeLearner operator in Java
// Run the Decision Tree learner using "class" as the target column.
// All other columns are used as learning columns by default.
// Use default settings for all other properties.
DecisionTreeLearner dtLearner = graph.add(new DecisionTreeLearner());
Using the DecisionTreeLearner operator in RushScript
var model = dr.decisionTreeLearner(data, {targetColumn:'class'});
DecisionTreeLearner operator provides the following properties.
DecisionTreeLearner operator provides a single input port.
DecisionTreeLearner operator provides a single output port.
Using the DecisionTreePredictor Operator for Decision Tree Predicting
DecisionTreePredictor operator applies a previously built decision tree PMML model to the input data. This operator supports most of the functionality listed at Specifically it supports all required elements and attributes as well as the following optional elements and attributes:
• missingValueStrategy (all strategies supported)
• missingValuePenalty
• noTrueChildStrategy (all strategies supported)
• All predicates: SimplePredicate, CompoundPredicate, SimpleSetPredicate, True, False
• ScoreDistribution
It ignores the following elements and attributes:
• EmbeddedModel
• Partition
• ModelStats
• ModelExplanation
• Targets
• LocalTransformations
• ModelVerification
• splitCharacteristic
Code Example
Using the DecisionTreePredictor operator in Java
// Create the decision tree predictor operator and add it to a graph
DecisionTreePredictor predictor = graph.add(new DecisionTreePredictor());
// Connect the predictor to an input port and a model source
graph.connect(dataSource.getOutput(), predictor.getInput());
graph.connect(modelSource.getOutput(), predictor.getModel());
// The output of the predictor is available for downstream operators to use
Using the DecisionTreePredictor operator in RushScript
// Apply the given model to the input data
var classifiedData = dr.decisionTreePredictor(model, data);
DecisionTreePredictor operator provides the following properties.
DecisionTreePredictor operator provides the following input ports.
DecisionTreePredictor operator provides a single output port.
Using the DecisionTreePruner Operator for Decision Tree Pruning
DecisionTreePruner operator performs pruning of the provided decision tree PMML model. This is useful when the learning data creates a model that is overly complex and does not generalize the data well. The operator will examine the tree and reduce its size by removing sections of the tree that provide little power to classify the data. Therefore the overall goal of the
DecisionTreePruner is to reduce the complexity of the model while improving its predictive accuracy.
Note: This is a relatively inexpensive operation and thus is not parallelized.
Code Example
Using the DecisionTreePruner operator in Java
// Create the decision tree pruner and add it to the graph
DecisionTreePruner pruner = graph.add(new DecisionTreePruner());
// Connect the pruner to an input model and output model sink
graph.connect(dtLearner.getModel(), pruner.getInput());
graph.connect(pruner.getOutput(), modelWriter.getModel())
// The model produced can be used by operators needing a pruned decision tree PMML model
Using the DecisionTreePruner in RushScript
// Prune a decision tree model
var prunedModel = dr.decisionTreePruner(model);
DecisionTreePruner operator provides the following properties.
DecisionTreePruner operator provides a single input port.
DecisionTreePruner operator provides a single output port.
Using the DiscoverDomain Operator to Discover Domains
DiscoverDomain operator can be used as a utility operator for discovering the domain of String fields. Note that this is not intended to be used as a "top-level" operator; rather this is a utility for iterative operators that want to compute their domains.
Code Example
The following example demonstrates configuring and using the
DiscoverDomain operator within an iterative operator.
Configuring the DiscoverDomain operator in Java
// Configuring the operator with an IterativeExecutionContext
LogicalSubgraph graph = ctx.newSubgraph();
DiscoverDomain dd = graph.add(new DiscoverDomain());
dd.setIncludedFields(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"field1", "field2", "field3"}));
graph.connect(input, dd.getInput());;
RecordTokenType type = dd.getResult();
Using DiscoverDomain in RushScript
var discoverDomain = dr.discoverDomain(data, {maxDiscoveredValues:100, includedFields:['field1', 'field2', 'field3']});
DiscoverDomain operator provides the following properties.
DiscoverDomain operator provides a single input port.
DiscoverDomain operator does not provide an output port. Instead when the operator has , you can get the result of the domain discovery.
Using the RunRScript Operator to Invoke R Scripts
RunRScript operator is used to execute a snippet of R code within the context of a DataFlow operator. The R script is executed for all data contained within the given input flow. The output of the R script is pushed as the output of the operator.
The R environment must be installed on the execution platform. If this operator is to be used in a distributed environment, the R environment must be installed in all worker nodes of the cluster. The installation path must be the same on all nodes. Visit the
CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) website for download links and installation instructions.
By default, the
RunRScript operator executes in parallel. This implies that the given R script has no data dependencies and can run independently on segmented data and produce the correct results. If this is not the case, disable parallel execution for the operator.
Note that the operator gathers all of its input data to hand off to R. The R engine then loads the data into memory in preparation for executing the script. The input data must therefore fit into memory. In a parallel or distributed environment, the data is segmented, and each segment of data is processed in a separate R engine. In this case, each data segment must fit into the memory of its executing engine.
The R script is handed an R data frame in a variable named "R". The script can use the data frame as desired. The resultant data is gathered from a data frame of the same name. Two variables are set within the R environment to support parallel execution:
Specifies the zero-based identifier of the partition the current instance is running in
Specifies the total number of data partitions executing for this graph. For the scripting operator, this equates to the total number of instances of the operator replicated for execution.
These variables are numeric R variables and can be accessed directly within the user-provided R script.
The sequence of operations are these:
1. Data from the input port is cached in a local disk file.
2. The given R script is wrapped with statements to load the data from the file and store the results to another file.
3. The R script is executed using the Rscript executable.
4. The resultant data file is parsed and the data is pushed to the output of the operator.
5. The temporary input/output files are deleted.
Code Examples
The following code example demonstrates using the
RunRScript operator. First, a set of R statements is defined. Next, the RunRScript operator is created and the required properties are set. Code to connect the input and output ports of the operator is not shown.
Note how the R script uses the data frame in the variable named "R" and sets the data to be output in a data frame of the same name.
Using RunRScript in Java
// Define a snippet of R code to apply to the input data
String scriptText =
"myfunction <- function(x) { " +
" return (x * 2);" +
"}\n" +
"tmpVal <- sapply(R$sepal.length, myfunction);" +
"R <- data.frame(tmpVal);";
// Create the script operator and set the required properties.
RunRScript script = app.add(new RunRScript());
Using RunRScript in RushScript
var scriptText =
'myfunction <- function(x) { ' +
' return (x * 2);' +
'}\n' +
'tmpVal <- sapply(R$sepal.length, myfunction);' +
'R <- data.frame(tmpVal);';
var script = dr.runRScript(
data, {
outputType:dr.schema().DOUBLE('result')} );
RunRScript operator supports the following properties.
RunRScript operator supports the following input ports:
RunRScript operator supports the following output ports:
Using the KNNClassifier Operator to Classify K-Nearest Neighbors
KNNClassifier operator applies the k-nearest neighbor algorithm to classify input data against an already classified set of example data. A naive implementation is used, with each input record being compared against all example records to find the set of example records closest to it, as measured by a user-specified measure. The input record is then classified according to a user-specified method of combining the classes of the neighbors.
The field containing the classification value (also referred to as the target feature) must be specified. It is not necessary to specify the fields used to calculate nearness (also referred to as the selected features). If omitted, they will be derived from the example and query schema using all eligible fields. The example and query records need not have the same schema. All that is required is that:
• The selected features must be present in both the example and query records and be of a numeric type (representing continuous data). In this context, a numeric type is any type that can be widened to a
TokenTypeConstant.DOUBLE .
• The target feature must be present in the example records and be either numeric (as described above) or an enumerated type (representing categorical data;
The output consists of the query data with the resulting classification appended to it. This value is in the field named "PREDICTED_VAL".
The implementation is designed to minimize memory usage. It is possible to specify an approximate limit on the amount of memory used by the operator; it is not necessary to have sufficient memory to hold both the example and query data in memory, although performance is best in this case.
Code Example
This example uses the Iris data to classify the type of iris based on its physical characteristics.
Using the KNNClassifier operator in Java
// Initialize the KNN classifier
KNNClassifier classifier = graph.add(new KNNClassifier(10, "class"));
List<String> features = new ArrayList<String>();
features.add("sepal length");
features.add("petal length");
Using the KNNClassifier operator in RushScript
// Use the KNN classifier
var results = dr.knnClassifier(data, queryData, {
selectedFeatures:['sepal length', 'petal length'],,
KNNClassifier operator provides the following properties.
KNNClassifier operator provides the following input ports.
KNNClassifier operator provides a single output port.
Naive Bayes within DataFlow
The Naive Bayes algorithm uses Bayes’ theorem to find the probability of an event occurring given the probability of another event that has already occurred.
The Naive Bayes learner produces a model that can be used with the Naive Bayes predictor as a simple probabilistic classifier based on applying Bayes’ theorem with strong, or naive, independence assumptions.
One of the advantages of a naive Bayes classifier is that it only requires a relatively small amount of training data to estimate the parameters necessary for classification.
DataFlow provides operators to produce and use naive Bayes classifiers. The learner is used to determine the classification rules for a particular data set while the predictor can apply these rules to a data set.
Covered Naive Bayes Operators
Using the NaiveBayesLearner Operator
NaiveBayesLearner operator is responsible for building a Naive Bayes PMML model from input data. The base algorithm used is specified at, with the following differences:
• Provides the ability to predict based on numerical data. For numerical data, we compute probability based on the assumption of a Gaussian distribution.
• We use Laplace smoothing in place of the "threshold" parameter.
• We provide an option to count missing values. If selected, missing values are treated like any other single distinct value. Probability is calculated in terms of the ratio of missing to non-missing.
• Calculation is performed in terms of log-likelihood rather than likelihood to avoid underflow on data with a large number of fields.
Code Example
This example uses Naive Bayes to create a predictive classification model based on the Iris data set. It uses the field "class" within the iris data as the target column. This example produces a PMML model that is persisted. This PMML model can then be used with the
NaiveBayesPredictor operator to predict target values.
Using the NaiveBayesLearner operator in Java
// Run Naive Bayes using "class" as the target column.
// All other columns are used as learning columns by default.
NaiveBayesLearner nbLearner = graph.add(new NaiveBayesLearner());
Using the NaiveBayesLearner operator in RushScript
// Run Naive Bayes using "class" as the target column.
// All other columns are used as learning columns by default.
var model = dr.naiveBayesLearner(data, {targetColumn:'class'});
NaiveBayesLearner operator provides the following properties.
NaiveBayesLearner operator provides a single input port.
NaiveBayesLearner operator provides a single output port.
Using the NaiveBayesPredictor Operator
NaiveBayesPredictor operator applies a previously built Naive Bayes model to the input data. The base algorithm used is specified at, with the following differences:
• Provides the ability to predict based on numerical data. For numerical data, we compute probability based on the assumption of a Gaussian distribution.
• We use Laplace smoothing in place of the "threshold" parameter.
• We provide an option to count missing values. If selected, missing values are treated like any other single distinct value. Probability is calculated in terms of the ratio of missing to non-missing.
• Calculation is performed in terms of log-likelihood rather than likelihood.
Code Example
Using the NaiveBayesPredictor operator in Java
// Create the Naive Bayes predictor operator and add it to a graph
NaiveBayesPredictor predictor = graph.add(new NaiveBayesPredictor());
// Connect the predictor to an input data and model source
graph.connect(dataSource.getOuptut(), predictor.getInput());
graph.connect(modelSource.getOutput(), predictor.getModel());
// The output of the predictor is available for downstream operators to use
Using the NaiveBayesPredictor operator in RushScript
// Apply a naive Bayes model to the given data
var classifiedData = dr.naiveBayesPredictor(model, data, {appendProbabilities:false});
NaiveBayesPredictor operator provides the following properties.
NaiveBayesPredictor operator provides the following input ports.
NaiveBayesPredictor operator provides a single output port.
Predictive Modeling Markup Language (PMML)
The Predictive Modeling Markup Language (PMML) is an XML-based markup language used extensively by DataFlow. PMML provides a vendor-independent method of defining mining models that can be used by many of the DataFlow analytics operators. Any operator that consumes or produces a PMML model will do so through the use of a
Most operators have a method called getModel() that exposes access to the
PMMLPort. There are also various utility methods and classes that can be used to manipulate PMML documents in the package.
Note: If you are using KNIME version 2.10 or later, then DataFlow uses PMML version 4.2.x. If you are using KNIME 2.9.x, DataFlow uses PMML version 4.0 or 4.1.
PMML Operators
Using the ReadPMML Operator to Read PMML
ReadPMML operator reads a PMML object model from a PMML file.
Code Example
Using the ReadPMML operator in Java
// Create a PMML reader
ReadPMML reader = graph.add(new ReadPMML("data/model.pmml"));
// You can also set the PMML file to read from after constructing the operator
ReadPMML reader = graph.add(new ReadPMML());
Using the ReadPMML operator in RushScript
// Read a PMML model
var model = dr.readPMML({filePath:'data/model.pmml'});
ReadPMML operator provides one property.
ReadPMML operator provides a single output port.
Using the WritePMML Operator to Write PMML
WritePMML operator is used to write a PMML object model to a PMML file.
Code Example
Using the WritePMML operator in Java
// Create a PMML writer
WritePMML writer = graph.add(new WritePMML("results/model.pmml"));
// You can also set the PMML file to write to after constructing the operator
WritePMML writer = graph.add(new WritePMML());
Using the WritePMML operator in RushScript
// Write a PMML model to a local file
dr.writePMML(model, {targetPathName:'results/model.pmml'});
WritePMML operator provides the following properties.
WritePMML operator provides a single input port.
Regression Analysis
Regression Learning within DataFlow
Regression analysis includes many techniques for modelling and analyzing several variables, when the focus is on the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables.
Regression analysis is applied when you want to understand how the typical value of the dependent variable changes as the independent variables are varied. It is therefore useful in finding the relationship between variables. This information can then be used to predict the expected values of a variable given the current values of the other variables.
Covered Regression Operators
Using the LinearRegressionLearner Operator to Learn Linear Regressions
LinearRegressionLearner operator performs a multivariate linear regression on the given training data. The output is a PMML model describing the resultant regression model. The model consists of the y-intercept and coefficients for each of the given independent variables.
A dependent variable must be specified. This is a field in the input that is the target of the linear regression model. One or more independent variables are also required from the input data.
This operator supports numeric as well as categorical data as input. The linear regression is performed using an Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) fit. Dummy Coding is used to handle categorical variables.
This approach requires for each of the categorical variables one value from its domain to be chosen that serves as reference for all other values in that domain during the computation of the model. Specifying reference values using operator's API is optional. If for a certain categorical variable no reference value is specified by the user, it will be randomly chosen.
The output is an estimate of coefficients for the model:
Y = a + (b1*x1 + ... + bn*xn) + (0*w1 ref + c1,1*w1,1 + ... + c1,k 1 *w1,k1 + ... + 0*w m ref + c m,1 *w m,1 + ... + c m,km *w m,km )
• a is the constant term (aka the intercept)
• n is the number of numeric input variables
• bi , 0 < i ≤ n, is the coefficient for numerical input variable xi
• m is the number of categorical input variables
• wiref , 0 < i ≤ m, is the reference value of the categorical variable wi
• ki , 0 < i ≤ m, is the domain size of the categorical variable wi
• ci,j, 0 < i ≤ m, 0 < j ≤ ki , is the coefficient for the jth nonreference value wi,j of the ith categorical input variable wi
The following assumptions are made about the nature of input data:
• Independent variables must be linearly independent from each other.
• Dependent variable must be noncategorical (that is, continuous and not discrete).
• All variables loosely follow the normal distribution.
Code Example
This example uses linear regression to create a predictive model based on a simple data set. It uses the field "y" as the dependent variable and the fields "x1" and "x2" as the independent variables. This example produces a PMML model that is persisted. This model can then be used with the
RegressionPredictor operator to predict data values.
Using the LinearRegressionLearner operator in Java
// Run Linear Regression with y as the dependent variable field
// and x1 and x2 as the independent variable fields. x2 is a
// categorical variable field.
LinearRegressionLearner lrl = graph.add(new LinearRegressionLearner()); lrl.setDependentVariable("y"); lrl.setIndependentVariables("x1", "x2");
// Passing in reference values for categorical variable fields
// is optional. If for a certain categorical variable field no
// reference value is passed in, a value from variable field's
// domain is randomly chosen.
Map<String, String> varToRef = new HashMap<String, String>();
varToRef.put("x2", "blue");
Using the LinearRegressionLearner operator in RushScript
// Run Linear Regression with y as the dependent variable field
// and x1 and x2 as the independent variable fields. x2 is a
// categorical variable field.
// Passing in reference values for categorical variable fields
// is optional. If for a certain categorical variable field no
// reference value is passed in, a value from variable field's
// domain is randomly chosen.
var results = dr.linearRegressionLearner(data, {dependentVariable:'y',
independentVariables:['x1', 'x2'], referenceValues:{'x2':'blue'}});
LinearRegressionLearner operator provides the following properties.
LinearRegressionLearner operator provides a single input port.
LinearRegressionLearner operator provides a single output port.
Using the RegressionPredictor Operator to Apply Regression Models
RegressionPredictor operator applies a previously built regression model to the input data. The model defines the independent variables used to create the model. The input data must contain the same dependent and independent variable fields as the training data that was used to build the model. The predicted value is added to the output dataflow as an additional field. All input fields are also transferred to the output.
Code Example
Using the RegressionPredictor operator in Java
// Create the regression predictor operator and add it to a graph
RegressionPredictor predictor = graph.add(new RegressionPredictor());
// Connect the predictor to an input data and model source
graph.connect(dataSource.getOutput(), predictor.getInput());
graph.connect(modelSource.getOutput(), predictor.getModel());
// The output of the predictor is available for downstream operators to use
Using the RegressionPredictor in RushScript
// Apply a regression model to the given data
var results = dr.regressionPredictor(model, data);
RegressionPredictor operator provides the following properties.
RegressionPredictor operator provides the following input ports.
RegressionPredictor operator provides a single output port.
Using the LogisticRegressionLearner Operator to Perform Stochastic Gradient Descent
LogisticRegressionLearner operator performs a stochastic gradient descent, a probabilistic algorithm for very large data sets, on the given training data. The output is a PMML model describing the resultant classification model.
A single dependent variable must be specified. This is a field in the input data that is the target of the logistic regression model. One or more independent variables are also required from the input data.
This operator supports numerical and categorical data as input.
Take the following considerations into account when composing the operator:
• The dependent variable must be categorical.
• Very low learning rates can cause the algorithm to take a long time to converge. It is often better to set the learning rate too high and let the algorithm lower it automatically.
• The learning rate adjustment takes an iteration to perform, so if it is set high, make sure to adjust the maxIterations property appropriately.
• The smaller the training data set, the higher the maxIterations property should be set.
• The algorithm used by the operator is much more accurate when the training data set is relatively large.
• Input data that includes null or infinite values can produce nonsensical results.
Code Example
This example uses logistic regression to create a predictive model based on the Iris data set. It uses the "class" field as the dependent variable and the remaining fields as the independent variables. This operator produces a PMML model that may be persisted. The resultant model can be used with the
RegressionClassifier operator to predict data values.
Using the LogisticRegressionLearner operator in Java
Using the LogisticRegressionLearner operator in RushScript
// Run Logistic Regression with "class" as the target field
// and the sepal and petal length and width as independent variables
var model = dr.logisticRegressionLearner(data, {targetColumn:'class', learningColumns:['sepal length', 'sepal width', 'petal length', 'petal width']});
LogisticRegressionLearner operator provides the following properties.
LogisticRegressionLearner provides a single input port.
LogisticRegressionLearner operator provides a single output port.
Using the LogisticRegressionPredictor Operator to Apply Classification Models
LogisticRegressionPredictor operator implements a maximum-likelihood classifier using regression models to predict the relative likelihoods of the various categories. The operator is used to apply a previously built classification model to the input data.
The model defines the independent variables used to create the model. The input data must contain the same dependent and independent variable fields as the training data that was used to build the model.
The predicted categories are added to the output dataflow as an additional field. All input fields are also transferred to the output. The output also includes a confidence score for each category of the dependent variable.
Code Example
Using the RegressionClassifier operator in Java
// Create the regression predictor operator and add it to a graph
LogisticRegressionPredictor classifier = graph.add(new LogisticRegressionPredictor());
// Connect the predictor to an input data and model source
graph.connect(dataSource.getOutput(), classifier.getInput());
graph.connect(modelSource.getOutput(), classifier.getModel());
// The output of the classifier is available for downstream operators to use
Using the RegressionClassifier operator in RushScript
// Classify the input data using the given model
var classifiedData = dr.logisticRegressionPredictor(model, data);
LogisticRegressionPredictor operator provides the following properties.
LogisticRegressionPredictor operator provides the following input ports.
LogisticRegressionPredictor operator provides a single output port.