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DataFlow-specific Options
The following table provides the options that is specific to DataFlow.
Uses the provided character set when reading the script files to execute. For example, ASCII, UTF-8, and so on.
Note:  It is applicable only for JavaScript and JSON files.
Enables compile-only mode when executing RushScript scripts. Enable the compile-only mode to compile only the graphs composed by a RushScript and not execute them.
To retain the compiled graph instances, specify the target directory using the dumpfilePath engine setting. For more information, see Engine Configuration Settings.
Sets the engine configuration properties. You can provide a list of comma-separated values. If a JSON graph with an embedded engine configuration is used, then any property that is defined at execution will override the embedded property. For more information, see Engine Configuration Settings.
The name of a JavaScript function to be invoked after evaluating RushScript files that is provided on the command line. If the function is within an object instance, then provide the object instance name and function name in the following format: objectName.function. This is useful when you have a single RushScript source file that can compose different applications.
Separating the composition into different JavaScript objects or functions allows the application that should be composed to be built at runtime by specifying the composition function to be invoked.
<documentation-type outputfile>
Generates operator documentation in the specified format. If an output file is not specified, then it is available in the systems standard output (default).
Supported format is SDOCML.
Displays the help information.
Adds the specified directory to the list of directories searched in the include files.
Note:  Is is applicable only for JavaScript files.
Lists the registered scripting operators. When you provide the name of an operator, detailed information about the operator is displayed.
Loads the script environment extensions (enabled by default).
Overrides a property of an operator. You can provide a list of comma-separated values.
Note:  It is applicable only for JSON files.
Specifies the property file having the operator overrides. The file must be formatted as a java properties file, and it uses the same encoding specified with the charset option.
Note:  It is applicable only for JSON files.
Specifies that a java class with a main method to execute will be provided.
Note:  It cannot be used with runjson option.
Specifies that a JSON graph will be provided. You can specify multiple JSON graph files that will be executed from left to right.
Note:  It cannot be used with runjava option.
Sets the mode for language strictness. The arguments available are disabled, warning (default), or error.
Note:  It is applicable only for JavaScript files.
Sets a variable in the environment. You can provide a list of comma-separated values.
Note:  It is applicable only for JavaScript files.
Displays the version.
Last modified date: 12/09/2024