Database events enable an application or the DBMS Server to notify other applications that a specific event has occurred. An event is any occurrence that your application program is designed to handle.
You can create or delete database events. You can also set permissions and view their properties.
Note: Sequences, events, and rules cannot be created for Actian Vector tables.
Database Event Dialog
The Database Event dialog contains the following pages:
For more information, see
Create an Event.
Create an Event
Before you can create a database event, the
Ingres installation containing the database must be connected in the Instance Explorer (see
Connect to an Actian Database Instance).
Note: Sequences, events, and rules cannot be created for Actian Vector tables.
You create database events using the
New Database Event dialog (see
Database Event Dialog). You can open this dialog the following ways:
• From the context menu of a database’s Events folder or event node: New DBevent
• On the main menu ribbon when the Sequences folder or a sequence node is selected in the Instance Explorer:
Database, Event, New Event (see
Database Tab)
To create a database event
1. Open the New Database Event dialog in one of the ways explained previously.
3. Click OK.
The event is created and stored in the Events folder of the database.
Delete an Event
Before you can delete a database event, the
Ingres installation containing the database must be connected in the Instance Explorer (see
Connect to an Actian Database Instance).
You delete events using the Delete Database Event dialog. You can open this dialog the following ways:
• From the context menu of an event node: Delete
• On the main menu ribbon when an event node is selected in the Instance Explorer:
Database, Event, Delete Event (see
Database Tab)
To delete a database event
1. Open the Delete Event dialog in one of the ways explained previously.
2. Click OK.
The event is removed from the Events folder of the database.
View Event Properties
Before you can view the properties of a database event, the
Ingres installation containing the database must be connected in the Instance Explorer (see
Connect to an Actian Database Instance).
You view event properties using the Event Properties dialog. You can open this dialog the following ways:
• From the context menu of an event node: Properties
• On the Database tab of the main toolbar when an event node is selected in the Instance Explorer:
Event, Event Properties (see
Database Tab)
To view the properties of a database event
1. Open the Event Properties dialog in one of the ways explained previously.
The name, owner, and grantees of the event are displayed.
2. Click Close to close the dialog.
Last modified date: 06/06/2024