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Options Dialog
The Options dialog lets you configure the following options for Director:
Query Execution—see Query Execution Options (Options Dialog)
Environment Options (Options Dialog)
Selecting the pages under the Environment heading by clicking the triangle at the left of the heading lets you configure the Director environment. The following options are available.
Prompt before disconnecting Instance Explorer
Specifies whether you are prompted before an installation is disconnected (see Disconnecting from an Actian Database Installation) or removed (see Remove an Actian Database Installation) from the Instance Explorer
Default: checked
Show Advanced Connect Options
Specifies whether the “DBMS Password” field is displayed on the Connect to Instance dialog. This option is used for Ingres installations to connect with the DBMS password in addition to the operating system password. Specifying the DBMS password is not necessary to connect to an Actian Vector installation using DBMS authentication.
Default: checked
Value for selecting the first <n> rows in the Instance Explorer (0 is unlimited)
Specifies the number of rows (0–10,000) to select from a table when you choose this option from the table node context menu
Default: 1000
Value for size of support log files returned (0 is unlimited)
Specifies the log file size in megabytes (0–256 MB).
Default: 64 MB
Display the beginning (head) or end (tail) of the log files
Selecting Head specifies that the beginning of log files should be displayed.
Selecting Tail specifies that the end of log files should be displayed.
This page lets you select the font to use for the query editor and query results. The “Default” font is the Java “Monospaced” logical font for your system. Although we recommend using the default font or a monospaced font, you may choose any font available on your system.
Lets you select a font to use for text you enter in the query editor (see Create a New Query). If Show only monospaced fonts is selected, the font list is limited to monospaced fonts found on your system. If you select a non-default and non-monospaced font and then check the Show only monospaced font option, the default font is selected.
Lets you select a font to use for text displayed in query results (see Specify Default Output Format and Location for Query Results). If Show only monospaced fonts is selected, the font list is limited to monospaced fonts found on your system. If you select a non-default and non-monospaced font and then check the Show only monospaced font option, the default font is selected.
Show only monospaced fonts
Limits the fonts displayed in the Editor or Results drop-down to monospaced fonts available on your system. If this option is cleared, all available fonts are displayed in the corresponding drop-down.
International Settings
Lets you select the language to use for the Director user interface. Select a language from the drop-down list.
Default: English (United States)
Options to reconnect installations on next startup
Specifies whether you want connected installations to be reconnected the next time you start Director. Choose one of the following options:
Reconnect only local
Specifies that only installations on your local machine are reconnected at next startup
Reconnect all
Specifies that all installations, both local and remote, are reconnected at next startup
Don't reconnect
Specifies that no installations are reconnected at next startup
The next time you start Director and connection is attempted, remote installations will display the standard Connect dialog for login credentials.
Default: Reconnect only local
Show Start Page on startup
If checked, the Start page is shown in the tabbed MDI when Director is launched.
Default: checked
Show Welcome Page for the Import Wizard
If checked, the Welcome page is displayed when you open the Actian Director Import Wizard (Actian Vector databases only)
Query Execution Options (Options Dialog)
Selecting the pages under the Query Execution heading by clicking the triangle at the left of the heading lets you configure the following query execution options. (These options are also available on the Query Options dialog (see Query Options Dialog).)
Specify the maximum number of rows to return from a SELECT statement (0 is unlimited)
Specifies the maximum number of rows returned when a SELECT statement is executed.
Default: 200
End of script action
Specifies one of the following actions:
COMMIT on success/ROLLBACK on error
Specifies that, if the script succeeds, issue a COMMIT statement. But if execution produces an error, issue a ROLLBACK.
COMMIT always
Specifies that transactions should always be committed to the database
Specifies that transactions should always be rolled back, undoing the changes to the database
Disconnect after the script executes
Specifies that the database connection should be dropped after the script is executed
Show query runtime by default (\runtime)
Affects scripts run in a query window. You may specify the \runtime switch at any time, which displays the query run time after each script runs. Selecting this option sets the \runtime switch as ON by default, so you do not need to specify the switch for each script.
For more information, see the Ingres SQL Reference Guide.
The following options specify execution runtime SET options. If no option is set, server-side defaults are applied. If set, these options are mutually exclusive.
Commits individual statements individually
Treats each complete query as a single-query transaction. If selected, explicit COMMIT or ROLLBACK statements are required to terminate a transaction.
View Query Plan ("SET QEP")
Specifies that a query plan should be output when a query is executed. For more information, see Setting DBMS Trace Options for Databases.
For more information, see the Ingres SQL Reference Guide.
Query Results Options (Options Dialog)
Selecting the pages under the Query Results heading by clicking the triangle at the left of the heading lets you configure the following options. (These options are also available on the Query Options Dialog.)
Default destination for results
Specifies the default destination for results (the results output mode). Possible choices include:
Results to grids (bottom of the query document)
Results to text
Results to file
Results to spreadsheet
These options have counterparts at the top of a query document.
Default destination for saving query results
Specifies the default initial path in the Save As dialog when saving results to a file. Click the browse button to navigate to a default output location.
Results to Grid
Specifies options when you select Results to grid on the General page.
Include the query in the result set
Specifies that the query statement should be included in the result set
Default: unchecked
Include column headers in the results set
Specifies whether column headers are included in the results set
Default: checked
Number of fractional digits to show for float values
Specifies the number of fractional digits to show for float values (0–16)
Results to Text
Specifies options when you select Results to text on the General page.
Output format
Specifies the output format to use for result sets. Possible choices are:
Column aligned
Comma delimited (default)
Tab delimited
Space delimited
Custom delimiter
Custom delimiter
Specifies the custom delimiter to use if you selected “Custom delimiter” for the output format
Include the query in the result set
Specifies that the query statement should be included in the result set
Default: unchecked
Include column headers in the results set
Specifies whether column headers are included in the results set
Default: checked
Number of fractional digits to show for float values
Specifies the number of fractional digits to show for float values (0–16)
Last modified date: 06/06/2024