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User Dialog
You use the User dialog to create or modify installation user accounts. A user is a person authorized to access and perform tasks on an installation.
For more information, see Create a New User.
You can access this dialog to create a new user in the following ways:
From the Users folder context menu: New User
From an existing user node context menu: New User
From the Database menu tab: User, New User
You can access this dialog to modify a user from an existing user node context menu: Modify.
The “Select a page” portlet in the dialog lists the options pages available on the dialog. The User dialog contains the following pages:
General—see General Page (User)
Privileges—see Privileges Page (User)
Roles—see Roles Page (User)
Access—see Access Page (User)
Options—see Options Page (User)
General Page (User)
The General page of the User dialog lets you define or modify core user configuration information. The General page contains the following fields:
Specifies a unique, valid name for the user. For more information about naming conventions, see Object Naming Rules.
Default Profile
Selects the default profile for the user. This list is disabled if there are no profiles configured for the installation.
Note:  If you want to assign a profile to a user, the profile must be created first. See Create a New Profile.
Default Group
Selects the default group for the user. This list is disabled if there are no groups configured for the installation.
Note:  If you want to assign a user to a group, the group must be created first. See Create a New Group.
Specifies whether the user’s access rights expire. If checked, you can specify an expiration date for the user.
Expiration Date
Specifies an optional expiration date for the user. Any valid date can be used. When this date is reached, the user is no longer able to log on. This field is enabled only if the Expires check box is selected. Clicking the date drop-down shows a date picker control that lets you select a date easily.
Set DBMS Password
Specifies that user authentication is achieved through the DBMS. The first time this option is selected for a user, a warning message appears:
Requiring DBMS authentication for this user will prevent the user from connecting to a DBMS server which is not configured to do DBMS authentication.
Change Password: For existing users, clicking this button opens the Change Password dialog (see Modify a User).
Specifies the password for the user. This field is enabled only if the Set DBMS Password option is selected.
Confirm Password
Confirms the password for the user. This field is enabled only if the Set DBMS Password option is selected.
DBMS authentication required
(Actian Vector 3.0 or greater) Specifies that user authentication is achieved through the DBMS. The first time this option is selected for a user, a warning message appears.
Selecting this option makes it unnecessary to add an operating system user every time a new user needs access to a database. A user who is appropriately defined in the database can access the database using a valid Actian Vector user name and password. The user does not need to be defined at the operating system level or in a global directory.
Note:  Selecting this option prevents the user from connecting to a DBMS server that is not configured to perform DBMS authentication.
For more information, see “DBMS Authentication” in the Actian Vector User Guide.
Privileges Page (User)
The Privileges page of the User dialog lets you assign privileges that will be applied to a user, regardless of the database to which the user is connected. For any privilege:
Select the Active By Request check box to enable the privilege for the user.
Select the Active By Default check box to make the privilege initially active when the user connects to an installation (a subset of the user’s privileges).
You can assign the following privileges to a user:
Create Database
Enables the user to create and destroy databases
Set Trace Flags
Gives the user access to tracing and debugging features
Security Administrator
Enables the user to perform security-related operations, such as impersonating other users, and to avoid certain security checks, such as database privilege checks
Enables the user to perform database backups and other maintenance operations
Enables the user to query the security audit log
Maintain Locations
Enables the user to manage database and file locations
Maintain Security Audit
Enables the user to control what information is written to the security audit log
Maintain Users
Enables the user to perform various user-related functions, such as creating users and roles
Change Password
(Actian Vector 3.0 or higher) Enables users to change their own password (used with DBMS authentication only)
Roles Page (User)
The Roles page of the User dialog lets you assign predefined roles to the user.
Note:  To assign a role to the user, you must create the role first. For more information, see Create a Role.
For new users, no roles are selected. For existing users, any roles currently assigned are checked. If no roles have been created, this pane will be blank.
Access Page (User)
The Access page of the User dialog lets you specify the non-granted databases that the user has access to. This provides access to databases that are not public and for which the selected default group is not granted access.
The Access page lists all the non-granted databases in the installation. Selecting a check box grants the user access to that database. Selecting “The user has access to the entire installation” checks all of the non-granted databases.
Options Page (User)
The Options page of the User dialog contains all other miscellaneous configuration information. The Options page contains the following fields:
Remote Command Privileges
Specifies whether the user has remote command permissions. For more information, see “How Remote Commands Are Executed” in the Ingres System Administrator Guide.
Enabled Security Auditing
Specifies whether the user has security auditing permissions for all events, query text, or both
Last modified date: 06/06/2024