13. Building Applications : The Create a Frame or Procedure Frame : Creating a QBF Frame
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Creating a QBF Frame
The next option on the Create a Frame or Procedure pop-up frame is the QBF Frame. A QBF frame consists of:
A database query using the QBF user interface.
A default form or a form created using the ABF FormEdit operation.
No programming with 4GL is necessary. The Edit a QBF Frame Definition frame is shown in the following figure:
In this frame, you enter the values ABF needs to run QBF. The fields are similar to those on the Edit a USER and Edit a REPORT frames.
Frame Name
Specifies the name of the query target; this name must follow standard object naming conventions.
Short Remark
(Optional) Specifies a brief description of the frame
Query Object Type
Specifies the values are either Table or JoinDef (the default); this name must follow standard object naming conventions
Query Object Name
Specifies the name of database table or JoinDef; this name must follow standard object naming conventions. The default is the frame name.
Form Name
Specifies the name of the form associated with this frame; this name must follow standard object naming conventions. The value is the name of a form or the default (blank), which generates a default form when QBF is run.
Command Line Flags
Specifies the parameters that define the scope of the query.
The only parameter available on this frame is –m. Use –m with an additional parameter to indicate the mode of the form. For example, using –mretrieve automatically puts the form in retrieve mode and not give the user access to update or append mode. If you do not use this parameter, the user must select the form mode from the QBF Execution Phase frame menu.
The following menu operations are similar to those in the Edit a USER or Report frame:
Edits or creates a different frame or procedure. You are prompted for the type of component.
Tests the frame by running QBF on the named Table or JoinDef
Edits, views, or creates the query or JoinDef:
If the Query Object Type is a Table, Edit starts the Tables Utility, displaying a list of database tables.
If the Query Object Type is a JoinDef, Edit starts QBF and goes directly to the Edit a JoinDef frame.
Runs VIFRED to create or edit a form for the current frame. You must specify a form name before using FormEdit.
Displays or edits more information about the frame on the LongRemark pop-up
Prints the definition of the frame
ListChoices, Cancel, Help, End
Perform standard operations