4. Maintaining a Distributed Database : Naming Conventions : Case : Naming Registration Examples
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Naming Registration Examples
An Ingres Star database can consist of objects registered from remote databases whose case‑translation rules differ from those of the distributed database. These examples illustrate those situations. (These naming examples use the register as link statement. For details on this statement, see Register as Link Statement (see page Register as Link Statement—Define Database Objects to Ingres Star).
Example: Default DDB and ISO-Compliant LDB
Assume that the distributed database was created with the lowercase option (Ingres setting), which puts both regular and delimited identifiers in lowercase. Assume that the local database is ISO Entry SQL92-compliant. The local database, iso_db, was created with case-translation rules of uppercase regular identifiers and mixed-case delimited identifiers.
In this example iso_db contains a table named PARTS, and the user wishes to register that table into the distributed database. The following statement creates a distributed object named parts. It will correctly map all queries against parts to the table PARTS in the iso_db database:
register parts as link
  with node=node_A, database=iso_db;
Assume that table PARTS has columns named PART_NO and PRICE. At registration time, the Star Server translates the names of these columns before adding them to the Ingres Star catalog iicolumns as columns part_no and price. In addition, the following user’s query against the distributed database will correctly map price and part_no to uppercase names before querying the PARTS table:
select price from parts where part_no=40754;
Example: Mixed-Case Names
Ingres Star employs the mapping rules described in Example: Default DDB and ISO-Compliant LDB (see page Example: Default DDB and ISO-Compliant LDB) if the local database names are mixed case. There is, however, a restriction on registering local database tables with mixed-case names into a distributed database that does not support mixed-case names. Assume that you wish to register the Low Budgets table from the iso_db database into your default distributed database. Mixed-case names can be specified only using a delimited identifier. But the following statement produces an error:
register low_budgets as link from "Low Budgets"
  with node=node_A, database=iso_db;
Because the distributed database translates all identifiers to lowercase, the Star Server attempts to look up the table low budgets in the catalogs of the iso_db database. It does not find that table because the mixed-case property of the table’s name has already been lost. Therefore, Ingres Star rejects any register statement that delimits the name of the local database object or owner if the distributed database does not support mixed-case delimited identifiers but the local database does.
As a workaround to this restriction, the from clause on the register statement allows you to specify the local owner name and the local table name as a string constant. The Star Server does not apply case-translation rules to string constants. Thus the following statement would succeed in registering the table Low Budgets from a case-sensitive local database into a case-insensitive distributed database:
register low_budgets as link from “Low Budgets”
  with node=node_A, database=iso_db;
Example: DDB with Mixed-Case Delimited Identifiers
There is no restriction if the distributed database has been created to support mixed-case delimited identifiers, whether or not the local database supports them.
Assume that you have a table named corp_dept in a local database lower_db that supports only lowercase names. Assume that your distributed database supports mixed-case names and that you wish to register corp_dept as Corp_Dept in the distributed database. You issue the statement:
register "Corp_Dept" as link
  with node=node_A, database=lower_db;
Ingres Star maps the distributed database name Corp_Dept into corp_dept when it queries the lower_db database. If corp_dept has columns dno, name and budget, Ingres Star records these in the distributed database’s iicolumns catalog using the case rules of regular identifiers. If the distributed database was created specifying uppercase translation for regular identifiers, the column names of Corp_Dept will appear as DNO, NAME and BUDGET in the distributed database.
If you wish the registration to have mixed-case column names, you can specify them in the register statement:
register "Corp_Dept" ("Dno", "Name", "Budget") as link
  with node=node_A, database=lower_db;