Getting Started
1. Installing Ingres
Install Ingres for Windows
Snap-in Components
Advanced Component Selection
Startup and Shutdown on Windows
Start Ingres with the Actian Service Manager
Start Ingres with Director
Start Ingres with Visual Manager
2. Creating a Database
How You Create a Database
How You Create a Database Using Visual Tools
Connect to Ingres Using Visual DBA
Create a Database Using Visual DBA
Create a Table Using Visual DBA
Populate a Table Using the Import Assistant
3. Using the Ingres Demonstration Application
Ingres Demonstration Application
What You Should Know
Requirements for the Demonstration Application
Start the Ingres Demonstration Application
Java Demonstration Application
4. Connecting to Ingres Using ODBC
ODBC Driver
Configure a Data Source (Windows)
5. Connecting to Ingres Using JDBC
JDBC Connection URL
Run a Java Program
View JDBC Connection URL in Actian Director
6. Connecting to Ingres from .NET
Required Software
Install the Data Provider into the Toolbox
Start the Ingres Data Adapter Configuration Wizard
Configure a Connection
Design a Query
7. Using Other Connectivity Drivers
A. Tools Quick Reference
Ingres 10S for Windows
A. Tools Quick Reference