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How You Safely Uninstall Ingres
Removing Ingres is an irreversible event with pervasive effects. Any products or applications that share the removed DBMS Server are affected, as follows:
Any future attempt to connect to this database will fail.
If you re-install Ingres, you may not be able to reference the data files.
If you know you want to remove an Ingres instance, follow this process:
1. If you want to keep the data files for later use, you must run unloaddb against each database before removing Ingres. Doing so will allow you to reference the data files easily if you re-install Ingres later. For details on the unloaddb command, see the Database Administrator Guide and the Command Reference Guide.
2. If you do not want to keep the data files, you can run destroydb against each database before removing Ingres. The destroydb command locates and deletes all data files. For details on the destroydb command, see the Command Reference Guide.
3. Uninstall Ingres.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024