Understanding Post-installation Tasks
How You Further Customize Your Instance
After Ingres is installed, configured, and started, you may need to perform the following additional tasks:
• Change default values for some configuration parameters to suit your particular needs or enhance performance.
The default configuration installed by the setup programs is suitable for moderate hardware (about 512 MB of memory) and a moderate number of users (about 32). You may need to change the size of the transaction log file or the number of concurrent users (connect_limit).
To change parameter settings, use the Configuration-By-Forms utility (or its equivalent visual tool Configuration Manager, if available) or the ingsetenv command.
Note: Some changes, such as to the logging system, should not be made while the DBMS Server is running. Changes made with Configuration-By-Forms while servers are running are not effective until you restart the servers.
• Set up virtual nodes, remote user authorizations, and connection data, as needed, for DBMS Server and client instances. Use the Net Management Utility (netutil) or Visual DBA, if available.
If you installed Ingres Net for the first time and did not define the DBMS Server password on the server or client nodes, add authorization entries that enable clients to access databases on the DBMS Server node.
If you are upgrading an existing instance or adding Ingres Net to your instance, your existing definitions remain in effect. For more information, see the Connectivity Guide.
• Add client capabilities to a networked DBMS Server by setting up the appropriate Ingres Net client parameters. For details, see the Connectivity Guide.
Last modified date: 02/26/2025