Property | Description | Default Value |
sharedDataPath | Populated during installation. Do not modify. | Determined at Installation |
installPath | Populated during installation. Do not modify. | Determined at Installation |
logging.level. com.actian.datacloud | This property can be added to enhance Agent-specific logging for debug purposes, for example, set to DEBUG. | INFO |
agent.auth- server | Actian ID Service URL. Set for DataCloud and Avalanche production environments. Note: You must update this property for Private Cloud/Kubernetes hosted environments. | |
agent.control- server | Integration Manager API URL. Set for DataCloud and Avalanche production environments. Note: You must update this property for Private Cloud/Kubernetes hosted environments. | |
agent.identity- provider | Populated automatically. Do not modify. | — |
agent.refresh- token | Populated automatically. Do not modify. | — |
worker.api.port | Populated during installation. Port used for Agent to Worker communication. If changed, you must also change server.port in shared_data_path\conf\ to match. | 6000 |
worker.concurrency | Number of DataConnect engines allowed to run in parallel. Make sure the appropriate licensing is in place before changing this value to avoid compliance issues. | 1 |
worker.destinationId | Populated automatically. Do not modify. | — |
worker.embedded | Populated automatically. Do not modify. | false |
worker.engineJavaHome | Populated during installation. Controls the JVM used when launching DataConnect. JDK 11 or higher is required. | ${sharedDataPath}/di- standalone-engine/jre |
worker.libraryPath | Populated during installation. Do not modify. | ${installPath}/lib |
worker.workerLocalDir | Populated during installation. Controls where temporary job information is stored, for example, integration artifacts, logfiles. | ${sharedDataPath}/local |
engine.licensePath | Populated automatically. Do not modify. | ${sharedDataPath}/license /cosmos.slc |
engine.iniFilePath | Populated automatically. Do not modify. | ${sharedDataPath}/conf /cosmos.ini |
engine.localEngineInstal lPath | Populated during installation. Controls the location of the DataConnect Engine. | ${sharedDataPath}/di- standalone-engine/runtime /di9 |
engine.localEngineListe nerPort | Populated during installation. Port used for Worker-to-DataConnect Engine communication. | 5999 |
engine.allowAllExecutab les | Must be set to true to run EXE steps within an integration process | true |
engine.executableWhite List | Allow-list certaifn executables when allowAllExecutables is set to false. or more information, see the DataConnect documentation. | N/A |
Property | Description | Default Value |
server.port | Populated during installation. Port used for Agent-to-Worker communication. If changed, you must also change worker.api. port in shared_data_path\conf\ to match. | 6000 |
Property | Description | Default Value |
sharedDataPath | Populated during installation. Do not modify. | Determined at Installation |
server.port | Populated during installation. Port used for Agent application container. | 6001 |
Property | Description | Default Value |
set.PATH | Populated during installation. You may add additional environment variables here if required, but you must keep the existing values intact. | %shared_data_path/jre/bin;% shared_data_path/di-standalone-engine /runtime/di9/;%PATH% | command. loglevel | Wrapper application-specific logging level | INFO |
wrapper.logfile | Populated during installation. Controls the location of the Agent log file. Changing this value will disable the ability to retrieve the log from Integration Manager. | %shared_data_path/logs/Agent.log |
wrapper. logfile.loglevel | Controls GLOBAL Agent logging level. Note: We recommend that you do not modify this property. It is better to use in instead. | INFO |
wrapper. logfile.maxsize | Maximum size that the Agent log file is allowed to reach before the log is rolled | 2m |
wrapper. logfile.maxfiles | Maximum number of rolled log files allowed before old files are deleted | 5 |
wrapper. syslog.loglevel | Forward log events to Windows Sys/Event Log. Note: We recommend that you do not modify this property. | NONE |