User Guide : Using DataCloud Agent : Agents : Installing Agents
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Installing Agents
Before You Begin
Observe the following points before you begin installing the DataCloud Agent.
If you install the DataCloud Agent on a machine that is also running one of the following DataConnect services, you may incur additional configuration requirements to avoid conflicts:
DataConnect Design Studio
Integration Manager
Standalone Engine
You must initially log in to Integration Manager from the Agent to register the Agent and grant access to run jobs on your behalf. Ensure outbound access is available to Integration Manager.
Copy the installer to your local machine. Do not install over a network.
Network Port Access
The DataCloud Agent requires that the following ports be available on the machine where you are installing the Agent.
HTTP Secure
Inbound and Outbound
Secure TLSv1.2 port used to connect to the DataCloud for transmission of scheduled and/on-demand instructions, and job configuration.
Engine Listener
Used internally by DataCloud Agent for internal communication between local services.
These ports can be changed during installation. To change the ports after installation, see Agent Settings.
Worker Control APIs
Installing on Windows
To install and configure the DataCloud Agent on a supported distribution of Microsoft Windows, see Installing Worker-Agent on Windows.
To install and configure the DataCloud Agent on a supported distribution of Linux, see Installing a Worker-Agent on Linux.