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Getting Started on Windows
This section contains the following topics:
Microsoft Windows:
Windows 10 Enterprise or later, or Windows Server 2016 or later
Permission to “Run as Administrator” for the installer
64-bit processor, 2.90GHz
32 GB installed memory (RAM)
DataConnect v11 license file (typically *.slc)
What Will Be Installed
Actian Integration Manager (Windows Service)
Actian Integration Manager Worker (Windows Service, optional usage)
Actian Messaging Broker (Windows Service, optional usage)
Actian File Folder Listener (Windows Service, optional usage)
DataConnect v11 Embedded Engine
AdoptJDK 8 Embedded JRE
Install Integration Manager
To install Integration Manager
1. Download Actian Integration Manager from https://esd.actian.com/product/Actian_Integration_Manager.
2. Right-click the downloaded installer file (integration-manager-xxx-win.exe) and select “Run as administrator.”
If you have a previous 2.x.x version installed, you will be prompted to uninstall first. Uninstalling will shut down running services and prepare for library updates; it will not remove or alter ProgramData (conf files, logs, and so on).
3. Accept the License Agreement.
4. Select the installation path (default: C:\Program Files\Actian\IntegrationManager).
5. Select the shared data path (default: C:\ProgramData\Actian\IntegrationManager).
Installation should take less than a minute.
Configure or Reconfigure Integration Manager
1. Locate the application.properties file (default: C:\ProgramData\Actian\IntegrationManager\conf\application.properties).
Note:  If you have a previous installation of Integration Manager, none of your existing property values will be changed.
2. Confirm or alter the path to your DataConnect v11 license file using the property engine.licensePath (default: C:\ProgramData\Actian\IntegrationManager\license\dc11.slc).
3. To run Integration Manager on a different port, set the property server.port (default: 8080).
4. You can use the application.properties file for a variety of configurations to tailor Integration Manager to your requirements and environment. See the Advanced Use Cases documentation for a description of available properties.
5. Any change to the application.properties requires a restart of the service:
a. Go to Windows, Administrative Tools, Services.
b. Right-click on Actian Integration Manager to stop, start, or restart the service.
Configuration file changes will remain after uninstallation and reinstallation.
Run Your First DJAR
1. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/ui/ in your web browser.
If Integration Manager was installed on a network server, open http://server_name:8080/ui/.
2. On the login page, enter the default user credentials (admin/admin).
Note:  You should change the password in User Administration (highly recommended).
Integration Manager opens the Dashboard page.
3. Navigate to the Configurations tab.
4. Click +Add.
5. Set up a new configuration:
a. Give it a unique Name.
b. Click Add Package.
c. Upload a DataConnect .djar file.
d. Select an Entry Point within the DJAR.
e. Click the Macros sub-tab.
f. Add or import any macros your DJAR requires.
6. Click Run Configuration.
7. Navigate to the Jobs sub-tab to view job progress and log file.
Examine Service Activity and Logs
1. You may monitor service activity and get important additional information from the log file (default: C:\ProgramData\Actian\IntegrationManager\log\IntegrationManager.log)
2. You may retrieve DataConnect Engine log files by Job Id in the job history folder (default: C:\ProgramData\Actian\IntegrationManager\history\job).
Configuration file changes will remain after uninstallation and reinstallation.
Last modified date: 03/14/2022