Programming Guide : Introduction
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In This Guide
The Programming Guide provides an overview of how to program in
OpenROAD by describing basic tasks, such as structuring an application and interacting with the database.
Specific topics covered in this guide include:
Writing scripts and procedures
Programming frames
Working with classes
This topic discusses how system and user classes make an object-oriented approach to programming possible.
Working with arrays, table fields, collections, list views, tree views, images, and text strings
Using 3GL in your application
This topic includes sample 3GL procedures.
Handling data entry errors and managing event queues
This topic includes examples of different types of data entry error handlers.
Inter-frame communication techniques
Creating dynamic frames and creating frames at runtime
Writing a template assistant
Debugging your application
The appendix in this guide discusses operating system differences.
Note:  The term Windows refers to the Microsoft Windows operating system. Unless specifically indicated, Windows refers to any Microsoft Windows operating system supported by OpenROAD. For more information about supported platforms, see the readme.